Monday, January 27, 2025

A Calendar-Markable Moment

Quick, go to your calendar and circle the date of January 26, 2025! On this day in very-recent history, Farmer H was heard to utter the words: "I was wrong." Strangely enough, the world did not stop spinning on its axis.

This was Farmer H's response to my sadness over spilled Diet Shasta Cola. It was 5:45 a.m., with Farmer H walking through the living room to give the dogs water, and gather up his mini frozen cheeseburgers for lunch at his SUS2.5 (Storage Unit Store 2.5). I told him to look at what I'd left on the kitchen counter. Here it is later on the table, for your viewing pleasure:

That WAS a can of Diet Shasta Cola. As you can see, it is empty. That's because it froze to death in T-Hoe's rear under the misbegotten advice from Farmer H. The whole top popped off! Not just the opening flip top. I discovered it after carrying in my own 12-pack, and noticing a small leak in the cardboard. Upon opening the case, I discovered most cans spotted with some leaked cola, and this one with its lid popped off and full of frozen cola. I rinsed it with hot water until the cola-sicle was able to pour out of the opening.

The bottom had tried to be the hero, expanding, expanding, expanding... until it could expand no more, and the top took the pressure.

The remaining 11 sodas are perfectly safe to drink. But do I want to? The carbonation will be gone. I don't particularly want to drink flat soda. It's different for cola than for Farmer H's Diet Mountain Dew. That is a more smooth taste. You don't notice the bubbly carbonation in it like you do in a cola.

Meanwhile, Farmer H looked over that mutilated can, heard my tale of cleaning up the soon-to-be mess, and said: "I was wrong."

Wish I had a recording of that!


  1. I am sure a chemist knows why, but diet soda freezes more than regular. When it got really cold, even the cans in the Dr. Pepper machine would freeze and burst. I was happy it was outside and easy to clean with a hose. Inside would have been a bigger mess. When we moved to Minnesota someone told us a garage was the perfect place to store things that needed refrigeration in winter. I distinctly remember leaning over a case to get one and another can exploded IN MY FACE. I was not happy and stopped putting the soda in the garage.

    1. Kathy,
      Probably because diet soda has more water, compared to regular having sugar molecules interspersed, keeping the water molecules apart. At least a mess from diet soda is easier to clean up, because it's not sticky and staining.

  2. Let this blog post be your record, because we all believe you. I wouldn't know anything about frozen cola cans, but I have seen people carefully cleaning out frozen exploded glass bottles from their freezers.

    1. River,
      I would never leave a glass bottle of liquid in T-Hoe's rear during winter, or put one in the freezer. Says the woman who had to get FRIG II because a can of biscuits exploded and broke a side wall in The Original FRIG's refrigerator section. Some things you can prevent, others come as a total shock.
