Sunday, January 12, 2025

Biding Time Until The Melt

Nothing happening here at the Mansion. Just the day-to-day cooking and dishwashing. Farmer H has been getting out into civilization, but I've only made one trip. A little bit of snow melted down today, from what I can tell on the porch rail. I'm guessing that the streets might fare better, with plowing and the chemicals reacting to the sun and the mid-30s temperatures. Our gravel road is probably in sad SLICK shape.

Anyhoo, I don't have a story. Not unless Farmer H does something outrageous, which is highly possible, so you can keep your hopes up. Today he's been the good guy, veering from regular routine to take The Pony to work and then go by to haul him home after work. That cut 2 hours off Farmer H's start time at his SUS2.5 (Storage Unit Store 2.5), and had him leaving an hour early. I doubt there was much business to be had there anyway. Unless Farmer H's shoppers are as nutty as he is about getting out in the snow.

Right now I've been getting Farmer H's business sales tax form filled out. He has an appointment Tuesday with his tax man. I'm also getting our car insurance bill ready for Farmer H to take by the insurance office on Monday. I normally mail it, but we have not received any mail since last Friday, and The Pony says their mail trucks haven't been getting through. I figure it's better not to take a chance, and just pay it at the local office. You know, since Farmer H is itching to get out in this mess anyway.

I'll be glad when the roads are clear, and I can resume my regular activities!


  1. The Chemicals part bothers me, they don't use stuff that could be harmful to people and animals do they?

    1. River,
      It's usually a salt brine mist that they spray from the back of the trucks. Sometimes they use a beet juice mixture. On parking lots, the proprietors often sprinkle salt pellets. So animals don't mess with that stuff. It's not something that would lure them in, thinking it was food. And the beet juice wouldn't hurt them anyway.
