Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Farmer H Contemplates Reeling In A Fine Kettle Of Fish

Are you ready for this? Farmer H's latest folly proposed venture? Sit down, and hold onto your hat. Farmer H wants to get a job! Because, you know, running two storage unit stores Friday thru Sunday, and working on a new Bargain House flip, and remodeling cronies' homes for money doesn't keep him busy enough.

Monday evening, Farmer H returned home from a day of galivanting about town(s) in the aftermath of the ice/snow storm, and revealed that the man who was the (for-all-intents-and-purposes) superintendent of the building where Farmer H eats his lunches amongst the elderlies... is no longer able to do that job.

"He basically rented out the apartments, and had the keys if anybody got locked out, and repaired anything that went wrong. I can do that. I'm really thinking about it. They'd asked me before to fix some things for them, but I didn't want to get involved then."

"Won't that affect your Social Security money? Like you'd get less because of a job?"

"No. Now I'm so old that I can work at any job I want, and make whatever, and it won't affect it."

"How would you have time?"

"From what I heard, the old guy didn't work at all on Fridays. So I'd still have that, and my weekends, for my store. If they had a problem, I could run over there."

"I don't know. You need to think it through. About how much time it will take."

Sweet Gummi Mary! You don't think Farmer H is trying to escape spending time at home with me, do you??? Nah. That would never enter his mind. I think maybe he's doing it more for recognition than for an actually paycheck. Farmer H really likes being needed. 

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


  1. Nothing wrong with being needed, unless it is you that needs him! My brother-in-law retired (He is 75) and it lasted for about 10 days! There are some people who like to work. I always think about getting a part time job in the winter because I am bored. In the Spring I forget about such because I am consumed with all the things I have to do outside. But right this moment I am without purpose and I want something to do.

    1. Kathy,
      Farmer H seems to take much joy in helping OTHER PEOPLE, whether paid or not. If I ask him to do something, which is almost never, he gets an expression like I'm trying to give him a spoonful of bitter medicine!

      I am quite satisfied not-working, and not even thinking about work, which includes things to be done around the Mansion.

  2. I am like you: satisfied with not working and my brother is like Farmer H, retired (only recently) and lookig around for small jobs where he can put in a few hours a week.

    1. River,
      What a boring world it would be if we were all the same. Either nothing would get done, or we'd be worn to a nub from constantly doing busy work!
