Monday, January 6, 2025

FAVE Is Back!

Remember the Sunday before Christmas, when I last saw Fave, my favorite cashier at the Gas Station Chicken Store? Probably not. I wouldn't have remembered it myself, because I did not expect her to go missing. She works Thursday thru Sunday. On Sundays, as I leave, we both say "See you Thursday." 

Well. On that Thursday, the day after Christmas, Fave was not there! Man Owner and Woman Owner were working in her place. I didn't want to ask where she was. No need to bring it up, in front of other customers, in case there was something unpleasant involved.

Fave was not there the rest of the week. Nor at the beginning of the next week, as I had imagined that she might swap shifts with the Other Cashier.

Nor was Fave there on Thursday. I was getting concerned. But the clouds parted, and a ray of light shone on the Gas Station Chicken Store Friday, when I noticed Fave's car on the parking lot! She had been missing for 10 days!

Granted, Other Cashier had mentioned one day that Fave had called in sick. So I assumed she was still employed there. Indeed, Fave told me she HAD been sick. And still sounded a little bit hoarsey.

"What time did you come in yesterday? I was here! But I only worked a few hours. I must have left before you got here. We were doing inventory."

"Yes, I was later than usual. So glad you're back!"

"Me too!"

On Saturday afternoon, I told Fave: "You probably won't see me tomorrow. I'm not getting out if we get all that snow and ice."

"I KNOW I won't see you! Because we're going to be closed tomorrow!"

That is unusual, but I suppose Man Owner and Woman Owner don't want to be driving to the Gas Station Chicken Store on ice. They live over in Sis-Town, around the bend, on the same road as my sister the ex-mayor's wife. Man Owner was on the lot as I left, pushing one of those salt-dispensing contraptions that looks kind of like a baby stroller. Better safe than sorry. I'm glad none of their workers have to get out in such bad (predicted) weather.

Fave has been selling me $50 winners. I'm REALLY glad she's back.


  1. I'm glad she is back too, though more for your sake than mine.

    1. River,
      Of course I'm glad that Fave is healthy enough to come to work again. But I'm REALLY HAPPY that she's there to sell me scratchers! Won $68 from Saturday: winners of $50, $15, and $3.

  2. Replies
    1. Kathy,
      Me too! I wonder if she'll be working today. I REALLY wonder if I will be able to walk across their parking lot to find out!
