Remember Charlie Brown's friend PigPen? With the cloud of dust/dirt surrounding him? I fear The Pony is becoming the new PigPen. Only The Pony's cloud is invisible, and it is misfortune!
The Pony has been having a string of not-so-good luck lately. Wednesday, his day off, was no better. He had an appointment and errands over in Bill-Paying Town in the afternoon. I got a text:
"I wore a thermal shirt, and just realized I forgot deodorant. Whoo! It stinks! As I would put it to my friend in high school, it's like feet Doritos!"
Poor Pony! At least there was a solution if that happened while we were at school. I kept some deodorant in my classroom cabinet. Mainly it was for ME, but I also made it available to any students who were in need. Not that I would walk around randomly spraying them with it, heh, heh!
It was Secret. The brand "made for a woman, strong enough for a man," as the commercial went. If a student mentioned that they forgot their deodorant, I'd offer them a chance to use it. Some preferred to be discreet, and wait until after class, and spray in the empty classroom while I was in the hall, monitoring traffic. Others would take it to the bathroom to apply. Some would announce their problem to the whole class while waiting for the tardy bell, then spritz their armpits standing by the cabinet, and sigh with relief. It depended on the kid, and their personality. Still, it was a welcome relief to the stinker, and to the stinker's classmates.
I wonder if The Pony might start keeping some stick deodorant in his bag of work-related supplies. He probably already does.
Forgetting deodorant on one day shouldn't be so stinky as long as The Pony washed himself. Is it possible the thermal shirt has absorbed previous deodorant applications and needs a good underam scrubbing? Some fabrics do that.
DeleteThe Pony usually has a bath in his jetted tub at night, and a shower in the morning. A thermal shirt can make you sweat, and unchecked sweat is stinky. I don't think it was the fault of the shirt. Just an overheated Pony.
Take it from the lady that sweats so much that the nurse practitioner insists that I drink electrolytes every day, some fabrics just plain stink when you sweat. One solution to get that smell out of his thermals is to add a half cup of vinegar to the wash cycle. Trust me, it will make your laundry smell better and your towels will be fluffier.
DeleteI will suggest vinegar to The Pony. He uses vinegar to clean out mineral deposits from the jets in his big bathtub, so he probably has some around.