Friday, January 3, 2025

No Joy In This Comeuppance

On our way home from the casino on Christmas Eve afternoon, I noticed Farmer H rubbing his eyes as he was driving A-Cad.

"That is NOT a smart thing to do! You just left a CASINO! Where you were touching slot machines that a million other people touched. You're going to catch something."

"No, HM, I'm not going to catch something. I was just rubbing my eye."

"How do you think germs get into your body? You are giving them an engraved invitation!"

The Pony in the back seat just shook his head. Probably for me berating Farmer H about his hand hygiene, but I would like to think, also in small part, as a realization of the risk Farmer H was taking.

Well, what do you know! Farmer H was fine. I guess he dodged the casino-virus bullet. THAT TIME!

On New Year's Eve morning, we went to the casino again. I did not directly observe Farmer H rubbing his eyes this time. But he must have done it. That was on Tuesday. By Wednesday evening, Farmer H said he didn't feel well. Like he was coming down with something. Went to bed at 6:55 p.m. Got up on Thursday morning at 5:15 sounding like his head was in a bucket.

I did NOT say "I told you so." Farmer H was a bit cranky. Now I have to avoid his germs. As always, Farmer H's antics lead to extra work for ME!


  1. With all those casino germs I'm surprised you don't all wash or sanitise your hands when leaving. I hope he gets over it quickly and that you or The Pony don't catch it.

    1. River,
      What makes you think we DON'T wash our hands when leaving? We all make a stop by the bathroom before the trip home. The Pony and I wash our hands. Farmer H marches to his own drummer. I usually offer my hand sanitizer as well, but this time I did not. I was talking to The Pony and didn't think of it.

  2. I forgot you all make a bathroom stop before heading home so of course you'd wash your hands.

    1. River,
      Well... two out of the three of us wash our hands!

  3. Sometimes I think it is a good lesson to let HeWho reap the rewards of his carelessness ..... always forgetting that I will also get my share! My daughter send me a picture of her chest x-rays when she had pneumonia. They sent her home with antibiotics, and she declined my offer to come take care of her. Called me two days later to tell me her husband was sick and she was living in the 2nd circle of hell! She is constantly bemoaning the fact that she seems to have married her dad!

    1. Kathy,
      There's just no telling them anyway, as you well know. Farmer H would pooh-pooh me from his deathbed, denying that he had any "hand" in his own demise!

      At least your daughter has you to bemoan to!
