"Should you go over there and turn on the faucet to drip? To keep the water from freezing?"
"Nah. You would have to do that for every faucet. Not just one."
I believed him. That's his area of expertise, not mine. Although I've always heard that leaving a faucet with a trickle of water can keep your pipes from freezing. I've never had a frozen pipe.
Then the water at the Beauty Shop half of our Double Hovel flip property FROZE! Farmer H says now that if he knew how the previous owner had run the water into the house, he would have let the faucet drip. Um. I'm pretty sure that's what I suggested! Besides, having torn that building down to the sub-floor, and built a whole new house out of it, you'd think Farmer H was well aware of how the water came into the building.
Next, I asked Farmer H to bring in the soda from T-Hoe's rear.
"It's going to be so cold. I don't want the soda to freeze. It could get all over the carpet as it thaws."
"That soda is not going to freeze. It's in the garage! Inside your car. It won't get that cold."
Let the record show that our garage is NOT attached to the Mansion. It's only connected by a sidewalk and a roof. No heat is going to leak through a wall of the Mansion and seep into the garage.
Welp. I'm sure you've surmised by now that the soda in T-Hoe's rear DID in fact, freeze. I had seven 6-packs of bottled Diet Mountain Dew in there, and one 12-pack of Shasta Diet Cola in cans. When Farmer H came out to help with groceries on Tuesday, I pointed that out.
"Your soda froze."
"Huh. It's not all of them."
"Do you want me to carry some to the porch?"
"Yeah. They'll thaw out inside."
So there I was, carrying two of Farmer H's 6-packs to the porch. I set them on the chair, so as not to struggle with them while getting up the steps. Farmer H never came out! I had to carry them all the way into the Mansion.
"Huh. If I knew you weren't coming to get them, I wouldn't have brought your soda! The groceries were lighter to carry than those sodas!"
"Oh. I thought you were bringing them."
My Shasta Diet Cola remains in T-Hoe's rear. I'm sure they're frozen. Cans freeze faster than plastic bottles. I'll wait until I need them. Maybe they won't go flat if they thaw before I crack them open.
Farmer H is not so reliable on the subject of freezing temperatures.
I just don't understand why everything isn't brought in from the car on the day of purchase. I know it's your system, but it seems weird to me to leave stuff and only get it when you need it. And of course now it's frozen...
DeleteI am not capable of carrying in nine 6-packs of bottled Diet Mountain Dew (I wait until it's on sale and stock up) along with six or seven bags of groceries. That's a lot of effort for my knees, and the dogs are romping around on the side porch in my way where I set things before climbing the steps to then unlock the door and carry them in. It takes several trips from T-Hoe's rear to the porch, and several trips from the porch to the kitchen. Not a problem for people with healthier knees, but it IS for me.
I take the frozen or perishable groceries, and leave the soda and stuff not needed right away for Farmer H to bring in. He most often just grabs one or two of the soda packs that he needs right then because he is out. He never brings in MY soda unless I specifically tell him. It's easier to let him bring in stuff as he decides, rather than have an argument over it.
I know you can't do it, but I also know Farmer H can, so I think he should make the effort, which really wouldn't take much time at all.
DeleteI agree. He could just bring it all in at once, setting some on the porch to carry in once he's up the steps. I've suggested that many times, but Farmer H carries a load from the garage into the Mansion, then goes back out for more. He's not efficient at grocery-carrying! I've even offered to bring stuff from T-Hoe to the porch, and let him do the rest, but he refuses.