Sunday, February 2, 2025

Always The Helper

Thursday, when I was staying home because of the rain, and feeling under-that-weather with my cold, I was late with my regular schedule. Knowing that I was not going to town, I dawdled over HIPPIE during the afternoon. When Farmer H came home, he said he was going to run a bath in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom.

"I'm still not feeling that great. I think I'll have a bath."

"Oh. Well. I was going to have my nap, and then a shower. A bath will use all the hot water. I guess I can skip a shower, since I'm not going anywhere."

"No. I can wait. Go ahead with what you're doing."

So I had a short nap. While I was in the shower, I heard Farmer H's phone ringing. He had put it on the charger on the bathroom sink. When I started back to the living room, I asked Farmer H if he wanted me to bring his phone. He did. He said he was waiting until his show was over to run the bath.

Farmer H looked at the missed call, but didn't recognize the number. Listened to the voice mail,  but neither of us could understand it. The sound was really low, despite Farmer H always having his phone on almost MAX volume. I figured it was probably his pharmacy trying to push some service, or his insurance. It was a woman's voice.

Right after I left the living room, Farmer H got another call.

"Huh. Yeah. I have some here. I can do that."

Turns out it was Farmer H's old wife. Calling to say that HOS (Farmer H's Oldest Son) was out in her car, and had run out of gas. He didn't have money for gas. So Farmer H said he would go meet HOS with 2-3 gallons of gas that he had in a gas can for the lawnmower.

Good thing he wasn't in the bathtub! 

Farmer H accomplished his mission. Too bad he had to get out after dark when he wasn't feeling well. I was worried that he might get hit by a car. You know how sometimes people stop to help, and then a tragedy occurs. Farmer H assured me that HOS was not on the side of the road, but on a church parking lot. It wasn't too far from the Mansion. Farmer H was back home within 45 minutes. 

He never did get his bath.


  1. Sorry Farmer H didn't get his bath, but glad he had gas available to take to HOS. He gets a gold star.

    1. River,
      Yes, Farmer H is good at rescuing people, even though he is seldom repaid. HOS said the gas gauge doesn't work in that car. I can believe it. We had a van where the speedometer didn't work. That was even worse! So much risk of getting a ticket every trip, though at least not a danger of being stranded along the road.

  2. Get the gas gauge fixed, how hard can that be?

    1. River,
      I don't know how much that would cost, and if they could afford it. I'm pretty sure the dash would have to be taken off and put back on. Or maybe it could be the float thingy in the gas tank.

      When we had that van with the broken speedometer, the indicator needle had broken loose, and was lying at the bottom of the circular space with the speeds. Farmer H never mentioned getting it fixed.
