What is so difficult about noting people who are already standing in a convenience store line, and waiting until after they've been served? Seriously. It's not like you wander in and are asked to split an atom. It's basically common sense. Whoopsie! That might be the problem!
Tuesday, I stepped into the Gas Station Chicken Store. The counter is on the right, and two doors to the restrooms are on the left. The place only has three aisles. One is straight ahead, one to its left, one to its right. The aisle on the right leads to the fountain soda machine. A man in a black leather jacket stood there, with a guy in a black plaid flannel shirt behind him. At the counter was a man paying.
I met eyes with the Flannel Shirt Guy, signifying that I saw him there. I stepped forward to wait my turn, standing at the head of that middle aisle, leaving space behind the man paying at the counter, showing that I didn't think I was next. No need to traipse down that middle aisle and halfway up the right aisle just to stand and wait. I can wait without the extra steps. I know my place.
As I was meeting eyes and stepping forward, I heard one of the restroom doors open behind me. When I turned to face the counter, I saw that it was a stocky balding man stepping out of the men's room. He stood by the door area.
Counter Customer paid and left. The Cashier looked out through her plexiglass divider and asked, "Who's next?"
"They are." I motioned to Leather Jacket and Flannel Shirt Guy. "They were here before me."
Leather Jacket stepped up to the counter. About 15 seconds later, Flannel Shirt Guy gave a huff, and stomped out. What in the Not-Heaven? It's not like anybody took his turn. He had been waiting IN LINE behind Leather Jacket. Maybe he was on a time schedule. I can't figure out what made him so huffy.
Anyhoo... Stocky Bald Man took that opportunity to move over to that area at the head of the right aisle. He leaned in the corner of the front counter, and the counter that used to be the chicken-warming area. I don't blame him for wanting to lean. I was leaning my left hand on a stack of beer cases.
Leather Jacket took a while to pay for cigarettes, gas, and two scratchers with cash. He didn't even get out his wallet until The Cashier told him his total. Then he had to stand there while putting his change in it, and poking it back in his pocket. As he was finally leaving, The Cashier again asked who was next.
Stocky Bald Man said all-to-pettily: "I guess SHE is."
"Yes. I am. You were coming out of there (I motioned to the bathrooms) when I was in line. Unless you were in line before..." See what I did there? Put him in his place, but gave him the opportunity to lie and say he was there first, since it seemed such a big deal to him.
How in the world could he think he was before me, when he was clearly standing between me and the door while he had been waiting? Surely he knew that I had not pushed past him to get to my waiting position. Did he think that he was in line while sitting on the toilet? Should I have sensed he was in there, and stepped inside and stood by the flush handle?
People piss me off. Have I ever mentioned that?
You have mentioned it a time or three, but I don't mind reading it again. I wonder why Flannel-shirt got huffy?
DeleteI have a feeling I will mention it a time or three more! The best I can think, Flannel Shirt had some prior appointment and couldn't wait any longer. Because he had already been waiting, and clearly knew that I was not jumping ahead of him, because I had just said so. He would have been next, after Black Leather Jacket.