Wednesday, February 26, 2025

I'm Pretty Sure Farmer H Is Trying To Kill Me AND T-Hoe

Farmer H has known for at least two weeks that T-Hoe has a burned-out headlight. He pretended not to know until I told him a week after that, even though The Pony acknowledged that Farmer H knew after our casino trip on February 11. Farmer H DID buy a new bulb, but said he was not going to change it during the frigid temperatures last week.

Yesterday as I left for town, I met Farmer H in SilverRedO on the gravel road in front of the BARn field. Of course he stopped to talk. Which meant that the 3:30 p.m. setting sun reflected off SilverRedO's rear passenger window, blinding me.

"You're killing me! I can't see a thing!"
"Huh. I don't know how that is."

"You can't see this reflection on my face? From the sun coming off your back window?"

"I see it." Farmer H backed up. "Is that better?"

"No! It's worse! Now there are TWO reflections! Off the window, and off the metal part between the windows."

Farmer H pulled forward again, and put down the back window. "How's that?"

"Just the one now. What do you want?"

"Nothing. I've got to get something out of the BARn."

"Okay. I'm going to town. With my one headlight..."

When I returned, Farmer H came out to the garage. He lurked in front of T-Hoe in the garage. I thought he was there to carry in a box of salsa and stuff from Save A Lot. I motioned him to get it before I opened my door. But no. He said he was there to fix T-Hoe's light, and to pop the hood.

Of course Farmer H started rassenfrassen about the light. Because T-Hoe needs some dismantling to access that headlight. AS IF T-Hoe isn't 17 years old, being a 2008 model, and Farmer H hasn't had time to familiarize himself with T-Hoe's workings.

Farmer H declared that he needed to get some tools. He carried in the Save A Lot box. Then went back to the garage to fix T-Hoe's light. But then returned to the kitchen to announce:

"I'm going to town for oil. There was none on the stick when I checked."

SWEET GUMMI MARY! Farmer H is the one in charge of the automobiles! Surely he could vaguely remember the last time he had T-Hoe's oil changed, or put some in. Now I will make sure to check the oil life for T-Hoe, rather than let him DIE of oil thirst. No gauges were showing a deficiency. Then again, T-Hoe has many problems with his electronics, so that's not saying much.


  1. Husbands can be so aggravating. One summer I drove around the hot city with no AC and my husband acted like he didn't know how to fix it. We were supposed to go to a wedding on my husband's side. It was quite a distance and I refused to go until hubby would remedy the AC. Funny thing he figured out how easy is was to put in the freon.

    1. Angie,
      I don't like the deception! Just say "I don't want to do that right now, so you'll have to wait until I'm good and ready." Essentially, that's what it boils down to. I'd still be just as mad, but maybe not wishing for revenge!

      Farmer H longs for the days when you could just put freon in the AC yourself. These days there are so many regulations about the coolants that he has to take it to somebody certified in such things. At least that's what he tells me...

  2. "rassenfrassen" what a great word! And I'm glad he decided to check the oil while fixing the headlight. The last thing you need is a seized up motor. Which makes me wonder, if he hadn't decided to fix the headlight, would you now be running with an empty oil tank?

    1. River,
      It's from an old cartoon, though I don't remember which one. If my headlight wasn't fixed, I suppose I might be sitting alongside the road, wondering why T-Hoe quit running, and trying to call Farmer H.
