The teacher stinkeye! Mrs. HM has not lost this valuable tool, despite being retired since 2016. I suppose it's a skill like riding a bicycle. You never really forget it.
I was in Save A Lot on Sunday. Minding my own beeswax, pushing my cart along the condiments aisle, searching for Worcestershire Sauce, which I never found. I suppose they were out. Anyhoo... I sensed somebody coming up behind me. It was a boy around the age of 9, pushing an empty cart. He wheeled past me. Stopped in the area in front of the employee door that leads to the cooler.
I needed to get past The Kid, to get some sour cream. He was pushing that cart to and fro, as if doing a choreographed routine. Pushing the front end to spin it. Holding the push bar to pirouette in the other direction. Spinning, spinning, with no adult in sight. What in the Not-Heaven??? It's not like he had been sent to get a specific item. He was just playing.
On my way past The Kid for my sour cream out of the cooler, I glanced his way. I did not lock eyes. I didn't know this kid. He might have been a perfect angel in all other parts of life outside Save A Lot. I was not trying to confront him. I was mainly focused on the cart. I had my left eyebrow raised, as if: "REALLY?"
The Kid saw me coming. I could almost feel the sassiness leave his soul. He stopped spinning the cart. Turned it away from me. Remained motionless as I walked by.
If you try this technique for yourself, with success... thank a teacher.
I have never been able to raise just one eyebrow, but I have my own version of stink-eye I guess, because sometimes I glance at people doing wrong and they stop. At least while I am still around, I don't know what happens when I leave.
DeleteIt seems to be effective!