Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Pony Pulls Through

The Pony seems to be recovering from his malady of Thursday/Wednesday. After leaving the doctor's office, he picked up lunch and went home. The doctor had called in a different antibiotic, but The Pony's pharmacy closes from 1:00 to 2:00. It's over in Bill-Paying Town. His insurance requires the use of that pharmacy. So The Pony was waiting until 1:45 to start over.

"I'm still not feeling the greatest. My heart is still fluttery, but some of the feeling is back in my hands."

"Dad can drive you over to pick up your medicine. Oh! He just came in."

"No. I don't want Dad to make a trip back to town just for me. I can do it. I will take the back roads. Less traffic. Less to worry about."

"If you're sure. I'm getting ready to come to town, but I don't know if I could hold my pee for as long as that extra trip might take!"

"Oh, I don't want you to drive me. I was just updating you on my plan."

"Okay. Text me when you're back home, so I can stop worrying! I might be driving and can't respond. But I'll see it."

Off I went to town at 2:15. I did my regular Thursday errands. No text from The Pony. After leaving Country Mart, the shortcut I took had me one street behind The Pony's house. I could see his car in the driveway. It was 3:45. I figured he was back, and had forgotten to text me. I went on home and carried in my groceries, since Farmer H said he was "resting" in the recliner. While putting the groceries away, I heard a text.

"Agh! Ended up taking a nap instead of going for the medicine!"

"Well. How will you get it?"

" driving to get it? The pharmacy is open until eight."

"Oh. Mine closes earlier. You've still got a little daylight left."

"Just letting you know not to worry that I haven't said I was home yet! Puttering around to wake myself up now before getting it."

By 5:10, The Pony was home with the new medicine. And pizza.

"Took first dose. Feeling mostly better from this morning already, just that little not-quite-numb bit left in my ring and pinkie fingers and a little tightness in my chest."

"That's good. That other med is wearing off, now that you missed the evening dose."

Anyhoo... Friday morning, The Pony said only a bit of numbness was left in his fingertips, and that his heart had settled down and was beating normally, no chest tightness.

My chest is breathing easier, too.


  1. I'm so glad The Pony is feeling much better. I hope his doctor has made a note on his records that The Pony cannot have that particular antibiotic again.

    1. River,
      I hope so. The Ponly also can't take the penicillin family, due to an allergic reaction as a baby. I had my first allergic reaction to it at 23!
