Monday, March 10, 2025

Mrs. HM Serves Up A Cold Dish Of Revenge

I was dismayed on Sunday to see the white F250 pickup parked at 10Box. I know who drives it. That RumpusHole who always parks in the handicap space at the Gas Station Chicken Store. I knew it was not another white F250. It was running! That RumpusHole always leaves his truck running. I don't know why. At least he was not parked in one of the six handicap spaces at 10Box.

When I entered, I saw that RumpusHole at the checkout. I know his face, and his gray goatee. I proceeded to the right-side lottery machine. Dang it! That machine was on the fritz again. It would not take cash! I SEEMS like it will take cash. But then makes several clicky-spazzy sounds, and spits the bill back out. No matter if you try a different bill, or a different denomination. I suppose it might be too full of cash. 

Anyhoo... I had a six dollar winner and a three dollar winner to scan. So I got my $3 tickets out of it. While I was doing that, RumpusHole pulled his cart up to the left-side machine. I didn't notice what tickets he was buying. When I've been behind him at the Gas Station Chicken Store, he  buys draw tickets and $10 tickets. He wheeled his cart away, so I moved over to the left-side machine.

As I was making my purchases, I realized that RumpusHole was back, standing at the right-side machine. I suppose he noticed that it was not taking cash. Because he just stood there, with his body turned my way. Well. I usually try to hurry up if somebody is waiting. But this time, I was careful about choosing my tickets. Contemplation, you know. I even put in more money. The money which had been spit out at the right-side machine. Then I made sure to take care when picking up my selections from the tray. You know, because sometimes a ticket will get stuck and not fall down. So I arranged them in price order, making sure I'd gotten out all my purchases.

As I was walking away, my peripheral vision saw RumpusHole move over to that machine. I really hope he bought one of the newest $10 tickets. Because it would have been the one after my $27 winner.


  1. I really get HATEy when machines won't take my money, we don't have lotto machines like that but the self serve checkouts sometimes get too full and spit the cash back out so I have to call a worker to suspend my sale and go to the front counter with the receipt and pay there. It's not a big deal but just one more annoyance I prefer to do without

    1. River,
      YES! Technology is supposed to make our lives EASIER! Thank the Gummi Mary, we still have real live people to fall back on when they malfunction.

      I thought this machine was just too full of cash, but it did the same thing to me the next day, and after trying three different $1 bills, it TOOK the last one! Something it refused to do the day before.

  2. I am such a witch (with a B) sometimes. I probably would have asked him if he knew he left the engine running in his truck and then delivered a lengthy speech about wasting fuel and how bad the emissions were for the air he breathed. You know, because what else do I have to do besides visit medical facilities?

    1. Kathy,
      Heh, heh! RumpusHole could be a full-time hobby for you. He seems to be the kind who won't take your "advice." Yesterday I beat him to the GSCS handicap space again, so he just pulled under the roof and blocked a gas pump.
