Thursday, August 17, 2017

Some Days I'm The Weirdo-Moth Drawn To Another's Magnet-Flame

Today as I came out of the gas station chicken store, virtually skipping with glee, carrying my 44 oz Diet Coke and two scratch-off tickets, my reverie was interrupted by a BARK!

My left eye's peripheral vision picked up a little doggie hanging out the window of a pickup truck parked one space over. It was not a yappy bark. Not malicious. Not continuous. Just a BARK BARK that said he meant business, that I would notice him, and he was waiting. After I opened my door and set down my magical elixir, I turned to look. I was going to say, "Hi, doggie." Because I'm the friendly sort, you know, if people and animals mind their manners.

Well! A lady was sitting in the passenger seat of the truck, with Doggie on her lap. I was startled, because I had not sensed a human in the cab. I guess maybe her floral sleeveless housedress had helped camouflage her. She looked like Fred Ziffel's wife, only younger.

And hanging out the window was JACK'S FACE! Okay, not the brown-and-white Australian Cattle Dog markings of my precious Jack. But other than that, it was his face! The same expression, the same shape, the same tiny mouth and bright eyes.

"What kind of dog is that?"

"He's ah weeener dawwg."

This little dog had a black head, white body, and spots on his underbelly that I assumed also covered the rest of him.

"I've never seen one like that! I have a half-weiner, half heeler. He has spots."

"This one's pure. He's what they call a piebald."

"Well, he's cute."

Fred came out and got in the driver's seat, so I didn't continue the discussion. But that little dog was pretty as a...speckled pup!

Yeah. Today, Mrs. Hillbilly Mom was the weirdo asking too many questions. Some days you're the weirdo, some days you're the magnet.


  1. I can't imagine that he was as pretty as my Eddie ..... but I am partial to the black and tan variety.

  2. Kathy,
    This little guy had a sweet face. I wanted to grab the soft skin on the sides of his pointy little nose with my thumbs and pet him, but I figured Mrs. Ziffel would not take kindly to that. And Spot might have bitten me, too! He was cute, but in a different way from Eddie. Eddie still out-cutes this one.

  3. There's a Mary Chapin Carpenter song that is just a series of those: Sometimes you're a _____ and sometimes you're a _____. Do you know it?

  4. Sioux,
    Yes. I am familiar with that song, though it's not on my MCC favorites list. MCC was pushed as a country singer, but sometimes gave the impression that she was more hoity-toity. So...unlike your unbridled passion for Viggo, I have kind of a love/not-love relationship with MCC! And what's with that whole CHAPIN thing? Was she trying to ride coattails?
