Monday, June 24, 2019

Much Better Than Going Directly To Jail

I should have known things were looking up this past week, when I found a nickel, four dimes, and five pennies. At least one coin a day, for eight consecutive days. And NINE of them were found heads-up! Surely that was a sign of impending good luck...

Well. It WAS!

Saturday, I bought an old favorite at The Gas Station Chicken Store. It's the only place that has these tickets, off and on. They're probably going to be declared expired any day now by the Missouri Lottery.

Yep! I passed GO, and collected $200!

Thanks, Even Steven. I will now prepare myself for a spate of losing. It's only fair.


  1. Don't you think, as a retired teacher, you are due only a long string of wins--and no losses?

    You've had the short straw of Even Steven all those years you worked with students. You've put up with enough. It's time for jackpots and nothin' but jackpots.

  2. I've never seen Monopoly scratchers, we are so deprived downunder :(

  3. Sioux,
    I guess it's kind of like childbirth. When you're in the throes of it, you question WHY you allowed yourself to get in that situation. But a few months afterward, you can look at what you gained from it, and enjoy the benefits.

    These tickets are a couple years old, but I will play them every time I find them. Still some good prizes left.
