Thursday, June 25, 2020

Partly Cloudy, Fake Flamingos

We went to Casino Town on Wednesday. While waiting at a stoplight on the way home, The Pony noticed a nice fountain. He was enamored with the FAKE FLAMINGOS stationed around the different levels. I liked the reflection of the clouds on the building itself.

Not a great picture, taken through the tinted back window of A-Cad. But you can see some of the clouds on the shiny wall of the building.

You have to look really close to see the fake flamingos.


  1. Lovely photos, although the flamingoes don't stand out so well, but at least we can see them. That's an impressive looking medical/dental centre.

  2. River,
    I do like the reflective building, though probably not if the sun rays reflected in my eyes! If we'd noticed sooner, The Pony could have put the window down and gotten clearer pictures.
