Tuesday, December 31, 2024

An Interesting (To Us) Parallel

Getting ready for town on Monday, I heard my phone buzz with a text. It was The Pony sharing an experience at work.

"I almost pulled a YOU!!! Dead bird. Caught myself just in time."

"Don't follow in my footsteps! Repeatedly..."

Let the record show that when The Pony was a young 'un, riding the school bus from Newmentia over to Basementia to join Genius and I after school, there was an incident which turned into "Groundhog Day" for Mrs. HM. 

Upon walking out to T-Hoe in the parking lot, I stepped on something. It made a CRUNCH. Both boys bent over to inspect the dead leaves where I was walking. I had stepped on a dead bird! The very thought was sickening, having felt the crunch underfoot. Even worse was a repeat of the incident over several days. Many days. I don't know how that dead bird kept getting in line with my stride toward different parking spaces! It was a great joke for the boys every time they heard the CRUNCH. Not so much for Mrs. HM.

Anyhoo... while driving to town, I heard another text. I figured it was The Pony responding to what I said. Imagine my chagrin when I had time to open the text, and saw

"Dang it! I fell a few minutes after that! I'll be fine. Just. Grrrrrr. *It's always the knees!!!*"

Poor Pony. At least this fall was emotionally cushioned by that big pile of cash from his Christmas Eve casino jackpot. Even Steven's gotta even.


  1. Does The Pony carry antibiotic wipes and bandaids all the time now? Maybe he should.

    1. River,
      I'll have to ask. I should have kept my PRIZE from the Christmas Eve party, to supply The Pony with bandaids and wipes! Rather than trading it away for coconut shampoo that was not even coconut.

  2. Maybe you should keep a count of the Pony's injuries. It would be interesting to see how many days go by without one!

    1. Kathy,
      Heh, heh! Farmer H could probably find a sign for The Pony at an auction. Like "It has been ____ days without a workplace injury."
