Sunday, December 29, 2024

Fave Is Missing!

The last time I was in the Gas Station Chicken Store was the Sunday before Christmas. As I was leaving, Fave (my favorite cashier) said, "See you Thursday." That's when she next worked. She does the Thursday-Sunday evening shift.

I was busy with Christmas Dinner preparations, and didn't make it to the GSCS on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (when they were closed). Back into my routine on Thursday, I was surprised to pull onto the parking lot and not see Fave's car. Instead, I saw the new fancy car of the Woman Owner.

Once inside, I confirmed that Fave was missing, and both Woman Owner and Man Owner were working. Hmm. That's a curious fact. Of course I was dying to know where Fave might be. I didn't dare ask, in case it was for a bad reason. Besides, they were busy. Nobody moves customers through like Fave.

On Friday, the Owners were working again. I sincerely hoped I hadn't gotten Fave in trouble for anything, leading to her dismissal! But I daren't ask the Owners for info.

Saturday, the Owners were gone, and the M-W cashier was working. As she was giving me credit for my winning scratchers, I dared to ask: "And what have you done with Fave?"

"Fave called in sick. And I am working the evening shift."

Well. M-W did not seem pleased with such an inquiry! I was sorry that I asked. At least I had ascertained that Fave was not in trouble. Merely ill.

I can't wait to be reunited to hear the tale of what was wrong.


  1. I hope fave is soon well and back to giving you your scratchers.

    1. River,
      I have a fantasy that Fave won big on a scratcher I gave her, and can afford to take these four days off after Christmas! Sadly, I think more realistically that Fave has caught a bug and is waiting for the fever or cough to subside.

  2. Replies
    1. Kathy,
      Fave IS back! I guess I'll have to tell her story.
