Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Universe Tries To Rob The Pony Of Vital Vision

In the continuing saga of The Pony's problems... he lost his glasses on Saturday. Last had them when he came home from work.

Let the record show that The Pony is virtually unseeing without glasses. Can't tell a building is composed of individual bricks when driving by. And that when sending The Pony off to college, we sent two new pairs of glasses, and the old ones, just in case one broke. The Pony had instructions to put them in a dresser drawer where they could always be found if needed.

Well. One pair broke in college. But The Pony still had the spare, and the old glasses. Then got a newer pair once he started working for the USPS. 

Sunday morning, The Pony couldn't find the spare pair of glasses. Nor the old pair of glasses. He thinks maybe he was picking up stuff and accidentally put the glasses into a trash bag. Trash went out early because of the holiday. The Pony had searched everywhere for the glasses, that's the only scenario he could image for their disappearance.

Luckily, The Pony found the old glasses, from high school times, on top of the dresser, under some things. Figures he forgot to put them away when he'd needed them before getting a new pair.

Anyhoo... we shall continue this tale tomorrow.


  1. Probably he should have been wearing them when collecting trash to put out. I remember a day many years ago when I searched the house for my glasses while I was wearing them!

    1. River,
      I sometimes panic about losing my phone, when I am holding it in my had to send a text!
