Thursday, December 26, 2024

A Sighting

When we last convened, The Pony was looking for his glasses, which he had somehow lost within his house. 

"I looked all over for them. I don't know where they could be, unless I accidentally threw them out with the trash."

"When is the last time you remember having your glasses?"

"Saturday after work."

"Did you take them off for a shower or bath? Did you look in the bathroom?"

"I looked three times in the bathroom! I even looked in the bathroom in the other bedroom. On the sink, on the floor, hanging on the top of the shower. I looked around the bed, and under the edge. Under the couch, in the cushions. Under my desk. In the kitchen. I couldn't find them."

"How about your desk?"

"That's where I thought they'd be. I take them off and set them on the desk if I'm not watching TV. Next to my computer. I looked under the desk. I thought maybe they fell off. Nothing. I'm going to make an appointment for an exam, and get another pair."

"Well, at least you have the old glasses for now."

This was our discussion on Christmas Eve morning, on the way to the casino to meet Genius. Later that afternoon, back home, I got a text from The Pony.

"I swear these were not on my bathroom floor yesterday!"

"Yikes! At least part of the mystery is solved! What's that black stuff?"

"That's a poor belt that tore apart. There's a big thumbprint on one lens, like your dowstairs glasses would get overnight in your office!"


Farmer H thinks the glasses were there all along, and The Pony just didn't see them. I think that's an odd place for glasses to be, yet they ARE out in the open, where a search would surely find them. Having seen things fly around here with no explanation, and finding my own glasses with a fingerprint that appeared overnight, I tend to believe that those glasses were not put there by The Pony.

At least The Pony can see again.


  1. And he saves the cost of the eye exam and new glasses!

    1. River,
      That's right! The Pony should probably get an eye exam anyway, since it's been a while. But there's no rush to try and get worked in immediately.
