Thursday, December 19, 2024

Two Unneeded Cents

Tuesday, Farmer H was looking at our enclave's Facebook page, and saw that our across-the-road neighbor had a picture. Of Scarlett! Saying that she saw this dog on her porch on her RING camera, and did it belong to anybody.

Farmer H responded that yes, it was our dog, and he was sorry if she caused any trouble or tore anything up. Neighbor replied, "Dog, sweet dog."

But THEN another guy out here responded to her statement with: "That's bullshit!"

Not sure what his point was. He responded to another innocuous comment with: "There was three of them."

Okay. So Scarlett, Jack, and Pupsie (I assume, unless it was Copper Jack) run around together. We've not had any complaints of mischief. Most people know who the dogs belong to.

It would be different if our dogs were on this guy's porch, and caused problems. Not sure why he thinks he has to insert himself into our business. Neighbor's dogs (the crazy Rottweiler and killer Poodle) are the ones who killed our 32 chickens, several per day. Farmer H just told them he would shoot the dogs with a paintball gun if he saw them in our field after the chickens. Also, their horses escaped and trampled through the only garden we ever planted. We didn't hold it against them. Animals will be animals.

If something happens to our dogs, I'm pretty sure I know who will be to blame. And it's not Neighbor. She's a dog groomer, and has rescue dogs as pets. I'm thinking she probably was wondering if Scarlett needed a home.

It's the country. Dogs run free. Copper Jack virtually lives here. We don't complain to that neighbor.


  1. It's true, dogs love to run free and as long as they come home that's okay and at least now you know they go to other people's porches as well as your own. In country areas around here though, dogs are usually kept on the property and not allowed past fences and gates. Some of the properties are farms and some are just homes with huge yards or acreage like one of my kids who has a couple of acres but her dog wasn't allowed past the gates. I think they are stricter here about picking up straying dogs and taking them to the pound where they check the microchips to see who owns them.

    1. River,
      All outside dogs run here. No dogcatcher in the country. In town it's even questionable! So I'm sure the rules are stricter over there. Not many people microchip here in Hillmomba, unless it's a valuable dog, or one that will probably be a house dog anyway.

      I know that our dogs make their usual rounds in the morning, but I didn't know they were going up on porches. Scarlett has never understood boundaries! And Pupsie follows her. Sometimes Jack, but not always now that Pupsie is around. Hick said he's probably going to get them collars.
