Sunday, January 19, 2025

More Of The Same

I'm planning to stay home for another three days, since the forecast is for single-digit temps overnight, and highs in the teens. I can't stand the cold anymore. Part of that is my lack of a thyroid, save that little scrap they left after surgery. It helps you regulate (or deal with) cold and heat. It's not worth it to me to bulk up in layers and a puffy coat to brave the wind chill just for scratchers. 

The gravel road is a skating rink! The hills are okay now, thanks to whoever plowed them. But the flat parts are treacherous. I don't want to meet a car and slide into it and have to deal with repairs and insurance. Of course, Farmer H will still be getting out every day. He who put two of our vehicles in a ditch, within a couple-hour span, on the day he was supposed to pick me up from the hospital after my unfortunate HospitVALzation.

Anyhoo... I'll be right here in the Mansion, doing nothing, with my heater cranked up under the kitchen table while fiddling about on HIPPIE. The Pony has Sunday and Monday off, so I don't have to worry about his safety.

Friday night, we had a lot of rain. Temps were in the 30s. They started dropping through the day on Saturday. That rain melted some of the snow (but not ice), and made the creek overflow the low water bridge that's on the way to town. Farmer H sent me a text mid-morning, to say that the bridge had water over it, and tree limbs on it. So I took the other route when I left for town late afternoon. The status of our lower road made me certain that I was not getting out until this newest freeze is over.

We have plenty of food, so I shouldn't have to send Farmer H to the store. A small ham we didn't open at Christmas. Extra bananas that I bought on Thursday. Romaine lettuce for salads, slaw mix, macaroni and cheese, green beans, bread, eggs, biscuits. Enough options for ham meals to get us past the freeze.

It's great weather to be a working teacher, but not so much for a retired one.


  1. We started out a minus 17 this morning and it's warmed up to a minus 9 degrees, so far. I think it is supposed to get to minus 5 degrees. Tomorrow night it is supposed to get down to minus 21 with minus 35 windchills. Being Minnesotans, we should be okay with this weather but having not really had weather like that, this season, it's impossible to acclimate. I no longer like the cold weather either and we have had some weird mild winters in the recent past. Then they are talking about a January thaw the following week. You really just never know anymore what the weather is going to be like. Used to could have some expectations that panned out but now it's below freezing one day and above freezing 2 days later and melting. Ranee

    1. Rae,
      You're making me shiver! I've got my heater cranked up to the halfway point. No idea what temperature that is. My legs are toasty, but my hands are cold!

      It's 18 degrees here at almost 2:00, supposed to get down to 4 degrees tonight. That's too cold for us! Two more days to go. I'm not getting out. At least we have sun right now. I don't know the wind chill, but the cedar limbs are whipping around. I used to just put on layers, a coat, and gloves for a trip to town. Not worth it now!

  2. "heater cranked up under the table" Please be careful not to catch fire. Do you have any other source of heat available? A nice big roaring fireplace that warms the whole room?

    1. River,
      I'm very careful with the heater. It used to be in my dark basement lair, and Farmer H brought it upstairs for me. It's electric, gray metal, shaped like a mini radiator. I always turn it off when I get up to do something.

      We have fake electric fireplaces in the living room and bedroom. Farmer H turned it on for me this morning while we were watching TV. It does no good in the kitchen where I use HIPPIE.
