Friday, February 21, 2025

Heartbreak In 3 Acts: Finale, The Actual Breaking Of The Heart

Of course I was beside myself when Farmer H came into the Mansion for keys to the Acadia, saying Scarlett was all loaded and ready to go.

"NOW? Right now? I never even got to say goodbye. She's not a bad dog. She'll be frantic without Pupsie! She thinks that's her puppy. They are always together. Pupsie won't know what to do without Scarlett. Jack and Pupsie will keep looking for her! But she's never coming back. Unless she gets away and tries to come here..."

"She won't be able to see out the back of the Acadia."

"That's not how they find their way back! I think they navigate with magnetic fields, like animals that migrate. She kept trying to go back to her apartment in town every time she got loose here! That's the direction she always ran."

"She'll be fine. It's a big farm, between here and the city. I don't know when my guy is taking her there. I'm taking her to his house right now. He has a garage she can stay in tonight."

"What kind of garage? Like ours? With a concrete floor? She'll be cold! How will she pee and poop? Does he have anything to feed her?"

"He has pets. I'm sure he has food."

"Scarlett might not like it!"

Off went Farmer H, taking a little piece of my heart with him. It's SO not fair! You don't throw away something you love, just because it's a problem. I don't know what else we could have done. But I feel SO BAD. I called The Pony just to talk. I'm not over it. It's going to take a while. 

Just writing about it has torn me up all over again. Thinking of how Scarlett willingly hopped into that pet carrier, probably thrilled that Farmer H, whom she ADORES, was taking her for a ride. Every day, I have to leave and come home without seeing Scarlett leaping around to greet me. Jack and Pupsie know I'm sad. They wander around. Pupsie peers past me into the garage, looking for Scarlett. At least they are sticking together, sleeping in the haybales.

Scarlett literally went to a big farm upstate! Thankfully it is a 200-acre farm, and though a bridge may have been crossed, it was not of the rainbow variety.

I have to believe that this guy's sister wanted a dog. And that she knows someone who can train a dog such as Scarlett to work with livestock on the farm. That Scarlett will have doggie companions, and will be kept in a sheltered place where she can't escape for a while, to search for the object of her ADORATION. Yes. I know that's an idyllic scenario. But I have to believe it. I have to.

Meanwhile, I've got a partition in my heart. I've walled off that little section reserved for Scarlett's love. It's too painful right now to feel.


River said...

😢😢😢😢 Scarlett has a little piece of my heart too.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Wherever she is, it has to be better than spending 12 hours+ in a kennel every day in an apartment. We tried to help her. Scarlett isn't a bad dog. Just young and full of energy and smart enough to look for ways to occupy her time. I wish the best for her and her new humans. I hope they can bond and enjoy a long life together.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I am crying as I read every episode of Scarlett's going to a new home.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I cry every time I think about Scarlett. Like last night, when the subject came up again. She might not have ADORED me, but I was still very fond of Scarlett. She was not a bad dog.