Monday, February 10, 2025

Mrs. HM Cannot Escape The RumpusHole

The RumpusHole who keeps parking in the handicap space at the Gas Station Chicken Store was there again on Saturday. I parked in the FREE AIR space behind him, waiting. And waiting. For 10 minutes. The RumpusHole was sitting in his truck. Finally, he started it and drove a few feet to park under the roof, by the gas pumps.

I pulled T-Hoe forward, into my rightful parking space. Once inside, I let Fave know that I was not amused. That RumpusHole is there ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME, between 2:00 and 5:00, taking up a handicap space that he does not appear to need, without benefit of a handicap plate or placard. 

"Oh. HIM? Now he's blocking the pumps."

"I know! I waited ten minutes, and then he drove around to park there!"

"I've told him before not to block the pumps. He's here all the time. I'm surprised Man Owner hasn't said something to him. Especially about blocking the pumps."

As I was leaving, The RumpusHole came back in for more scratchers. I heard Fave telling him that he was blocking the pumps. I doubt it did any good.

On Sunday, I stopped by 10Box on my way to pick up The Pony for our Super Bowl festivities. It was 11:15. You'll never guess who was in 10Box. Oh. Yes you will. It was The RumpusHole.

I was getting a ticket for The Pony out of the left machine. I wanted crosswords, but that machine was out. So I had to get them from the right machine. Except some guy had just walked up to use it. Yep. It was RumpusHole. He set down a case of beer and stepped up to get a ticket. Couldn't be bothered with a cart. Just put that case of beer on the floor.

I stepped up behind The RumpusHole to wait for that machine, because another guy had come up and acted like he was wanting to use the left machine. Indeed, he moved forward and put his money in. He must have known The RumpusHole, because they started talking. 

RumpusHole got his ticket out of the machine. I was relieved. But then he STOOD THERE SCRATCHING HIS TICKET! Right in front of the machine. Blocking it from use. What kind of psycho does that??? Heh, heh. At least it was a loser. The RumpusHole picked up his case of beer and left. I got my crosswords. 

As I returned to T-Hoe, I saw RumpusHole getting into his big white Ford F250. He was NOT parked in a handicap space at 10Box. Probably because they were all taken when he got there.


  1. There has to be something in his brain that tells him he is the most important person in the world and can do what he pleases where he pleases and when. I dislike people like that.

    1. River,
      I have certainly developed a dislike for him. He KNOWS that I know what he's doing. So many times he's watched me hobble in front of his truck while he sits in the handicap space. No conscience in this one!
