Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Mrs. HM Is Unrecognizable

We went to the casino on Tuesday, to celebrate the week of birthdays for The Pony and me. As with any time we go to the casino, part of the visit requires handwashing in the bathroom. Casinos have those automatic faucets and soap dispensers. They have the sensor thingy that detects the motion of hands in front of it, and turns the water on, and gives a squirt of liquid soap from the dispenser.

That's how the sink works for most people. Or probably all people besides Mrs. HM. For some reason, no matter which sink I use, the water and soap do not cooperate! It's like I'm invisible. I can move my hand back and forth in front of that sensor, and get nothing! Close, far, wild gesticulations. Nothing works! 

The Pony thinks this is funny. I do not find it amusing. Even if I get the water flowing, by the time I reach my hands under the stream, it stops! I know they're on a timer, but I cannot get an adequate handwash at a casino! This time, I managed to wet my hands, and catch a bit of soap. But then I couldn't rinse! I ended up just drying the soap off my hands.

I have this same problem with my cell phone. Like when I tap it to light up the screen. It takes many tries. Genius said my fingers must be like those of a corpse! He's not one to mince words, that Genius.


  1. I hate those automatic timed washers, I can never get enough water either so I wave my hands again for a second round.

    1. River,
      I hope the sensors recognize that you are a live human, and reward you with water!
