Saturday, February 15, 2025

Oh, No! Fave Is Missing!

When I parked in my rightful handicap space at the Gas Station Chicken Store on Friday, I noticed that Fave's vehicle was not on the parking lot. I also noticed the RumpusHole who likes to usurp my handicap space pull in. Heh, heh! You snooze, you lose! He parked by the moat, but as I was gimping along in front of T-Hoe toward the door, RumpusHole left! Guess he didn't want to walk too far.

Anyhoo... I went in and waited behind a guy talking about how times have changed. How he used to ride around town with his dad, who was always enjoying a brewski. As Genius and his generation term it, a ROAD BEER. "It was normal back then. I'm surprised so many of us survived!"

I noticed a sign on each side of the plexiglass sneeze guard. "PART TIME CASHIER WANTED."

What in the Not-Heaven??? I was really hoping that it wasn't because FAVE had been separated from employment there. Man Owner and Woman Owner were both working. Woman Owner waited on me. She was nice and friendly. Farmer H went to school with her. I didn't ask about FAVE, in case there had been an issue. 

There was definitely an issue with my transaction, but that's a story for another day, and perhaps another place. Or not. But the gist of it was, FAVE had simply called out.

"Our cashier that usually works this shift couldn't come in today. Her dog bit her."

"Oh, no! FAVE?"


"Her own dog?"

Man Owner said with concern: "A pit bull."

"I know she mentioned having a dog that was part pit bull..."

"I'm not so sure it was due to the severity of the injury. She said she will be in tomorrow. I think maybe it was because she was up all night in the ER getting the bite treated."

"That's understandable!"

At least I know FAVE will be back. Maybe I'll get more of the story.


  1. So sorry to hear about the dog bite, but very glad Fave will be back and hasn't gone to work somewhere else instead.

    1. River,
      Fave was back, but didn't want to talk about the dog bite. Maybe because a guy came in and was waiting behind me. She said she was breaking up a dog fight. Had a wrap on her right hand and wrist. So maybe some stitches, or just a bandage she was keeping covered. It looked like something you'd have done at the doctor, not a home effort.
