Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Not-Yet-Spring Thaw Just Arrived

FINALLY! Almost. There's still snow all over the porch and the ground and our road. But as I type this, a steady drip is coming off the roof by the kitchen. Might need to have the gutters checked! The snow on the rail by the laundry room has been shrinking for the past hour. It's down to about an inch deep. Still about four on the kitchen rail. It's all choppy from birds perching on it and sinking in. A cardinal is taking a snow bath right now on the porch boards. Bright red! His brownish mate is sitting on Farmer H's solar lights on the corner.

Anyhoo... it is 12:43 on Saturday afternoon. When I checked about an hour ago, the temp was 30 degrees. Supposed to get into the 40s today, and then 50s Sunday, and 60s next week. Jack and Pupsie are scuffling under the kitchen window, probably on their way to get a drink at the heated water bowl. Earlier, there was a kerfuffle on the front porch, as Copper Jack invited himself up to lie at the end by Farmer H's carport. He never would have done that with Scarlett here (sniffle).

Pupsie was having a heyday barking at Copper Jack. Then turned her attention to destroying the rest of the 2/3 of a blue tote lid. Pieces litter the front porch by the door. At least she's not eating most of it. My little Jack came to the door when I peeped out, for a petting session. He's such a good boy. Pupsie came over and sniffed the back of my hand, but still won't let me pet her.

I will be going to town later for scratchers. Yesterday was fine, though our county blacktop road only has space for 1 and 1/2 cars to pass comfortable. Good thing I left the 4WD on until I got to town, because several times I had to put two tires on the plowed ridge of remaining snow along the edge.

The worst part was actually when I left home. The porch was clear enough that I had boards to walk on. The steps had a few icy patches, but Farmer H had sprinkled salt. It was the very bottom that got me, as I stepped onto the sidewalk. A bit of snow lingered. I was careful. Didn't slip. Patted Jack, then opened the garage door.

As I stepped over the threshold, I nearly did the splits!!! That was scary! The snow had compacted into the tread of my shoe, and the smooth concrete floor was a virtual skating rink for it. Poor Pony. That's a 10-11 mile challenge for him in this weather, tromping through snow, and up and down steps.

Anyhoo... I grabbed the door frame, then balanced myself so I could reach over and hold onto T-Hoe as I worked my way to the driver's door. I had my long window scraper brush in case snow/ice built up on the running board during my travels, but it was only an issue when I returned to park in the garage.

I'm hoping this afternoon will be less fraught with danger.


River said...

Thor! Thor is good! Oh wait, you said Thaw. Also good. It's nice you got to see Copper Jack again.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have seen Copper Jack all along. He just had to be careful to avoid Scarlett. He would be in the front yard, where all they do is bark at him. He would also come to the back porch to drink from the heated water bowl if she was off running around. Now he comes up on the porch when I get home, and I toss him a treat again. He stays a respectful distance, at the corner of the porch, while Jack and Pupsie stand right outside the kitchen door.