NOOOO! What is going to happen to my luck? Will Even Steven be confused? A turn of events last week is throwing me for a loop. FAVE is being relegated to different hours at the Gas Station Chicken Store! It seemed a bit sudden. Last Sunday, as I was leaving the GSCS, Fave said,
"Oh. I'll be working different hours next week! I'll be here Tuesday and Wednesday instead of Thursday and Friday."
"WHAT? I might not see you, because with this cold weather coming, I won't be getting out."
And that's how it went. We got a little snow, and temperatures dropped into the singles and teens. I sat at home on my ample rumpus, waiting for the thaw. When I went to town Friday, it was Other Cashier working. That's not a bad thing. She's nice enough to me. Just not as lucky. OC was also there on Saturday/Sunday/Monday. I thought maybe the schedule would reset itself on Thursday.
Imagine my surprise when I drove up Tuesday afternoon, and saw (yes, along with that white F250 rumpushole in the handicap space) Fave's car on the parking lot.
"Oh, you're back!"
"Well. For now. I'll be here today and Wednesday. Then again on Saturday and Sunday, but it will be in the mornings, until 2:00."
"NO! I don't think I can make it by 2:00. Is this permanent?"
"Well, according to Woman Owner, NOTHING is permanent. I hope not. Because I'm not a morning person!"
So now, I might only have half the luck I've been experiencing! I'll only be buying my scratchers from Fave two days a week, rather than four. I hope I don't have to change my routine and go to town earlier.
I'm hoping this is just temporary. They've had signs seeking a part-time cashier. Best case scenario, this is just for training purposes, and then things will get back to (my) normal.
Half your luck is still better than my no-luck-at-all, but I do hope Fave gets her regular schedule back so you continue to get all the winners.
Thanks. I hope the schedule goes back to "normal," just so Fave is comfortable with her working hours. That's more important than my luck. Besides, a happy Fave is surely more likely to hand out winners!
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