Friday, February 14, 2025

Transgressions Are Farmer H's Bread And Butter

Every evening when I prepare Farmer H's supper, I do everything but chew the food for him. I set out his plate and utensils and a paper towel. If he's having bread, that goes on the cutting block. If he wants margarine for his bread, I also set it out of FRIG II so it can become softer for spreading.

Tuesday night, Farmer H's supper was leftover BBQ Little Smokies from our Super Bowl feast. Along with mashed potatoes and bread/butter. Let the record show that I offered him a salad, but he refused.

Anyhoo... I called Farmer H into the kitchen to get his food. He reached into the upper cabinet to get his Hawaiian Bread, which I had been too busy to set out, having been on the phone with Genius while warming the other dishes.

"The date might show that it's past, but I know it's only a couple days. That bread stays good for at least two weeks past the date."

"Huh. This says it's good until the 27th!"

"Um. Yeah. That's the wheat sandwich bread I buy for the dogs, because it's the cheapest. But you can eat it. It's really good, if you want wheat bread."

"No. I'll have the Hawaiian."

"That's what you always want, so I don't know why you were looking at the wheat bread. I guess that's what happens when I don't set it out for you. You don't know how to get your own bread."

Farmer H had the Hawaiian Bread at the cutting block. I was moving his mashed potatoes off the hot burner, and stirring his warmed-up Little Smokies. I heard the door of FRIG II close.

"Wait! What are you putting in the fridge?"

"The butter, HM. I put it away."

"WHAT butter? The Kerrygold is on the cutting block. Isn't that what you used?"

"No. I got the tub out to put on my bread."

"The MARGARINE? We have the real butter from when The Pony was here for Super Bowl, and put it on his rolls. WHY would you get out the margarine?"

"Because I thought that's what I was supposed to put on my bread."

"I always set it out on th ecutting block for you, when that's what you're using. There's Kerrygold to use up. I can't believe you would get out the margarine."

"It's fine. I already put it on my bread."

"I bet it was hard to spread, compared to that room temperature Kerrygold."

"It's okay."

"The more I try to get everything ready for you, the more it's a waste of time. You don't have a clue how to feed yourself!"

It's not like Farmer H's bread and butter faux pas affected me directly. It's just that he doesn't have common sense. Doesn't apply all the past routines to how the current feeding should go. He's clueless. He drives me crazy.


  1. Perhaps he likes to pretend he is doing things for himself. Is the Kerrygold in a wrapper or container? It should keep for quite a while in the fridge and not need "using up"
    I haven't had mashed potatoes in quite a while. I love them but it's been too hot to cook here. It's cooler today, so maybe I'll make some to have with my fish fingers tonight. I think you call those fish sticks.

    1. River,
      He actually prefers for me to do everything for him, as evidenced by his sighs when he has to search for something on his own!

      The Kerrygold is on a glass butter dish with a cover. I say to use it up, because The Pony found it still on the dish one time, at Christmas, when we had last used it at Easter! There's only about 1/4 of the stick left, so I let it sit out to be soft and spreadable. Kerrygold is like a rock when cold, heh, heh.

      Farmer H likes the instant mashed potatoes that are flakes in a bag, roasted garlic flavor. I make half the bag for him, which only requires boiling a cup of water, stirring in the flakes, and letting it sit for 1 minute. So it doesn't generate a lot of heat while coming to a boil. Not like using real potatoes and putting in a lot of effort.

      Yes, fish sticks. Fish don't have fingers, silly! Then again, neither do chickens, but we have chicken fingers...

  2. We ate the instant mashed potatoes a lot when I was very little, but when I recently tried them again, I didn't like them. We don't have different flavours here, just the plain potato.

    1. River,
      When my boys were in daycare, they wouldn't eat my regular mashed potatoes, but clamored for "The kind that Vicki makes!" That was their daycare lady, who used the plain potato flakes that came in a box like cereal. So I got that kind, and that's what we had.

      Now I get the small pouches that have four servings, and make half for Farmer H, or all of it if we're both eating mashed potatoes that night. There are lots of flavors: Roasted Garlic, Loaded Baked Potato, Cheddar, Sour Cream and Chives. I don't remember the rest, because they are not kinds Farmer H would like.
