Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Medium

I needed to buy stamps on my errand day Thursday. Normally, I get the young post office clerk that knows who The Pony is, and recognizes me as Pony's Mom. He's a polite young fellow, with a son about a year old. Always cheerful and helpful to all the customers in line. This time, he wasn't there.

The clerk was a woman. I always try to think of ways to describe fellow workers to The Pony, to see if he knows them, or might have an anecdote about them. This one was hard.

"Hey, I was getting stamps yesterday around 3:30, but [REDACTED] wasn't working. It was some lady. I don't really know how to describe her. She was older than you, but younger than me. Her hair wasn't really blond, or brown. Just in-between. She wasn't fat or thin. Not tall or short. She was really nice. I can't think of any way to describe her, other than MEDIUM."

"Did she have a snaggletooth?"

"Um. I don't know. I didn't really look THAT close. I was trying to decide on stamps. I knew I wanted a book of flags, but the selection of others wasn't that great. I didn't want hearts. One of them was Christmasy/wintery. I don't remember the other. So I took the Mississippi River. I've had them before, but they are pretty, and the best of those choices. So I was looking at them, not the clerk's teeth."

"That's the only way I know to describe her that would make her stand out. It was probably the one I'm thinking of. She usually fills in there for days off."

"I knew the amount for two books of stamps would be just under $30. So I was prepared. I had a twenty and a ten. She said, 'Now why did I ring that up as credit?' I said probably because nobody wants to use cash anymore, and she agreed. Now I have 80 cents in coins that I forgot to take out of my town pants that will be falling out when I unfold them to put on."

"Oh. I thought you were going to say the coins would get in the washer."

"No. I don't wash my town pants after every wearing. I'm only in them for an hour a day. Besides, they get the dried mud off the side of T-Hoe's running board when I slide out. So I'd be putting on clean pants, knowing that by the time I got out in town, they'd have dirt all over one leg again. I just dust it off when I fold them up. Still knowing that when I get out in town, they'll have dirt on one leg again. I can't see washing pants all the time, when they're not worn long, and just get dirty right back. It uses a lot of resources, and wears out the pants."

"Fair enough." Said The Pony, who wears pants all day long to walk 10-11 miles in all kinds of weather. We have different laundry needs.

Anyhoo... we both agree that I bought my stamps from a Medium.


River said...

Well that's a little disappointing, I thought she would be a "Medium" who has visions and foretells of things to come. She might have told you some big wins were coming your way. The stamps sound lovely, we don't get choices like that except at Christmas when we can choose between regular stamps or the Christmas ones which are a bit cheaper. I only ever buy the cheaper "concession" stamps available for age pensioners and they are the same for a few years in a row, then they change and stay the same again for the next few years.
I also don't wash my "going to the shops" clothes after every wearing, I change back into pj's when I get home and hang things over the shower rail to air and then wear them again for the rest of the week, with the exception of socks and undies and sometimes the t-shirt gets a bit sweaty under the arms so I'll change that.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, the other kind of Medium would have been nice! Just in case she might have had an actual talent in foreseeing the future.

It's winter here, so I don't get sweaty. I understand not washing clothes after a short wearing. My socks definitely need washing, because I wear them for a whole day, even with my Crocs when I'm back home.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I don't know why my old info comes up when I comment. No way to transfer the reading list from the old blog, so I added my reading list one by one on my new blog. But if my old profile is being used by this blog .... I hope she can't find me! I always wear my pants and jeans more than one time before washing. My shirts are usually dirty, especially with me drooling lately as I try to chew with my front teeth!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have no advice on the profile info, short of starting a new profile. I see no problem with multiple wearings before washing clothes. It's not like I'm wallowing in the mud every day!