Sunday, May 14, 2023

I Think The Crazy-Driver Is Trying To Reverse-Psychology Me

Seems like Farmer H is trying to drive me crazy with kindness! After he nearly severed my arm and beat me senseless with it (okay, perhaps I exaggerate a skosh, but I am still having severe pain in my right arm from the garage grocery-carry)... Farmer H started putting away the groceries.

He tore the 8 bananas from the bunch, and piled them all willy-nilly in the fruit bowl, regardless of ripeness! You'd think that after 34 years of me arranging them in the bowl in order of ripeness, he would recognize the pattern. But no.

Another thing Farmer H doesn't recognize is a pattern of SAMENESS. I bought some sliced ham in a 1 lb package, since the last package of ham is nearly depleted from Farmer H making himself an occasional sandwich to take to his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) for lunch. When I opened the refrigerator later, I noticed that the new ham was not by the old ham on the bottom shelf. It was on the second shelf, ATOP A BAG OF SHREDDED CHEDDAR! 

Seriously. Who does not know that shredded cheese will not stay shredded when topped with a pound of ham??? It will turn into a block of cheese from the pressure of the ham!

I'm pretty sure Farmer H is only "putting things away" in order to show me that I should tell him NOT TO PUT THINGS AWAY in the future.


River said...

I guess for Farmer H, putting things away just means "in the fridge" on whichever shelf it lands.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I guess it's good that he actually put the ham in FRIG II, and not in the cabinet!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

As my mother-in-law used to say, "Well, my dear, he is trying." How many attempts does he get before being expected to do it right?

Hillbilly Mom said...

As many as he needs. Everybody gets a trophy! Just for trying.