Tuesday, November 19, 2024

It's Always Mrs. HM's Fault

Sunday evening, Farmer H got the container with the Big Sandwich pieces out of FRIG II, to put his supper on a plate. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, wielding the large butcher knife.

"Hey! You can't cut that while it's in my container! I've had that for years. You'll cut through the bottom."

"I can't eat this much, HM!"

"YOU are the one who told me to cut it in four pieces this time, instead of six like last time."

"It's too much!"

"That's not the point! Don't cut it while it's in the container! Set it out on a plate. And it's only too big because you told me to cut it that way!"

"Well, next time cut it in six pieces!"

Farmer H got his plate, and set out the sandwich piece to cut it in half. It's not my fault that he eats a banana while leaving the Mansion, then stops by Casey's for a couple of donuts, then eats lunch at his SUS2.5, then comes home and has a drink and chips before eating his supper. I asked him how he wanted me to divide that Big Sandwich, and HE'S the one who told me to cut it in four pieces this time, rather than six.

Farmer H never takes responsibility. He acted like I'm trying to kill him by force-feeding him to death!


Rae said...

Too bad he couldn't just say, "Well, that was not a good idea, on my part. Six pieces is better. Sorry about that." Why is it so hard for him to just say he is sorry?
My husband and I worked at the same company. He was in Engineering, and I was in Scheduling. We often had to work together or get information from each other, so interacted often. Whenever he would bring me something I requested, I would always thank him for that. If I made a mistake on my inquiry, I would tell him I was sorry, my mistake. One of the other supervisors asked me if we said thank you to each other all of the time or was it just for "show" (at work)? I told him we always thank each other and apologize when we screw up. He told me most married people don't act like that. I told him maybe they should, there might be fewer divorces. Just a little kindness goes a long way. My husband still thanks me for any meal that I prepare, even if it wasn't the greatest and even if he helped prepare it. And should someone wonder. He is 6'5" and a manly man who isn't afraid of dishpan hands. Ranee

Hillbilly Mom said...

I didn't even need him to say he was sorry! Just to acknowledge that the pieces were that size because HE said to cut it in four pieces when I asked. So he wouldn't need to expend any effort other than to put a piece on his plate!

You have a great give-and-give relationship. I have to fish for acknowledgement that the food I prepared Farmer H was "okay." Sometimes he'll say it was good. Very rarely he will say Thank You if I bring something to his recliner for him. I don't expect it. I just don't like being the source (in his mind) of what displeases him. Of course, when I blame HIM, it's okay, heh, heh!

River said...

I have the feeling that a four-pieces-size-slice wouldn't be too much if he didn't have drinks and chips before supper. But of course he would never acknowledge that either. He could have just said "well, I was wrong, six pieces is better," but that will never happen either.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, he definitely spoiled his appetite. He didn't want just an individual bag of chips with his drink, but a bowl of chips. Not the small version, but the large styrofoam bowl. Heh, heh! Next time he will probably still be hungry after the 1/6 of the BIG SANDWICH, if he doesn't have a drink and chips a couple hours before!