Saturday, December 7, 2024

10 Minutes She'll Never Get Back, Or Why Mrs. HM Should Trust Her Instincts

While leaving the Hillmomba Casey's on Friday, the thought crossed my mind to go back across the moat, up the alley behind the Gas Station Chicken Store, and get on the road that would take me straight through the light to 10Box. I often do this, because traffic is heavy on the main road this time of afternoon. But no. I figured since I was just making a right turn to get on that strip of main road, I'd not take the longer roundabout way over the moat.

You know what happened, right? I got stuck in traffic. 

Oh, I got out of the Casey's lot just fine, onto that main road. But I needed a left at the stoplight to make my turn to 10Box.

Here I am in the left turn lane. Usually not a problem at all. But this day, the guy in front of me wanted to make a left turn into the parking lot of the Liquor Store. The two cars ahead of him at the light went through when the arrow was green. But he stayed in the same place, waiting for traffic to allow him his left turn. Which he couldn't make, because of that ignoramus just sitting there in her car. There's not enough room behind her for this guy to get his car out of the oncoming traffic lane.

See what I mean? She just sat there smoking, flicking her ash out the window, not CLOSING THE GAP in line so other cars could pull onto the lot behind her. What kind of psycho does this???

I can't really blame the guy ahead of me, who wanted to make this turn. He could have pulled up to the stoplight, then made a left turn, and gone a few hundred yards to turn around at 10Box, and come back to make a right turn at that other entrance to the parking lot, and get in front of that ignoramus. Or he could have just made his turn onto the lot and parked in a parking space until she moved forward. But still, SHE was the one causing the holdup.

I sat there for 10 minutes. Through 5 changes of the stoplights. Traffic was backed up behind me, way over the hill. That's because other people wanting to make a left turn were blocking the space needed for people wanting to go straight to get into their lane.

If only I had crossed the moat, I would have been on my way, easy peasy.


River said...

Perhaps the honking of many horns would have alerted that smoking idiot? I guess you'll be taking the other way from now on?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I thought the guy waiting to turn in there might holler to her to pull forward. Since she had her window down. Not my business to do so, even though she was affecting my driving, too. I guess people are leery of making a scene these days.

Yes! I did so yesterday. A few hundred yards detour is better than 10 minutes just sitting.