Friday, December 27, 2024

Pony's Gonna Pony

Christmas Day afternoon, The Pony packed up his leftovers and Farmer H drove him home. Later that evening, I made a disturbing discovery. The Pony had left behind the container of ham, the bag of salad, and the red onion. I think all he took home was the two containers of roasted vegetables, the deviled eggs, Chex mix, desserts of banana nut bread and blueberry bread, and a container of homemade cookies given by Genius and Friend.

The next morning, I commanded Farmer H to deliver the bag of forgotten leftovers. The Pony was baffled about how these items had been left behind, but agreed that he wanted that food, and said Farmer H could set the bag on the table by his back door, then knock. As I've mentioned many times, Farmer H needs to respect boundaries, and not go letting himself into The Pony's house at will.

Anyhoo... Farmer H made that delivery before The Pony left for work at 7:45 a.m. As with most times Farmer H interjects himself into someone's routine, The Pony was apparently thrown off by that good deed.

"The Pony locked himself out this morning! He walked to work. Sent me a text asking if I could get the spare key to him, so he could get inside after work. I met him at the bank in Hillmomba. He said he set his keys down on the kitchen table while putting away the leftovers, and then walked out and closed the door."

Oh, well. At least The Pony has his food. Said he'd get the spare key back to me on Sunday. As Farmer H declared, "You KNOW it will happen again. So I need that spare key for next time."

A safety net is a good thing.


  1. It might be a good idea to have a third spare key made for The Pony to carry in his wallet or maybe hide it in a flowerpot or somewhere.

    1. River,
      That's exactly what Farmer H said. Except for the flowerpot/wallet. But still, a third key, just in case.
