Friday, January 17, 2025

Denial, Yet There's No One Else To Blame

I'm sure you will not be surprised by the following tale. Denial is strong in Farmer H. Maybe HE believes his excuses. I, myself, do not.

When I returned home on Thursday, having discovered that the big blue mailbox behind the main post office was once again upright and ready to ingest envelopes, and having braved the snow-surrounded handicap parking spaces at both Save A Lot and Country Mart in Sis-Town... Farmer H came out to carry in groceries. Of course once inside, he busied himself with ripping bananas off the bunch, rather than putting the frozen items in the freezer. Still, I offered him my usual hospitality.

"Do you want anything before I change clothes and scratch my tickets? It looks like you've already had a snack. I saw the Oreos package in the wastebasket."

"I was gonna have some Oreos when I got home. But the pack was EMPTY!"

"YOU are the only one eating the Oreos. How did you not know it was empty? Why did you just leave the trash on the table last time you ate them?"

"I guess I must have forgot."

Seriously???? WHO does this? Only Farmer H! How can he eat the rest of his Oreos one evening, and leave the empty pack on the table, and then go back the next day to get Oreos???

Anyhoo... Farmer H didn't want a drink or a snack. He was probably full from refreshments he didn't remember having.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Farmer H And The Pony Do Lunch

The Pony had a really, really bad day at work on Tuesday. We won't go into it now, but perhaps later, here or there. Farmer H made a bit of a faux pas in his unintentional way (as he is wont to do), and felt bad when I harangued informed him about it... so immediately shot off a text asking The Pony to lunch on Wednesday, his day off.

Farmer H had a gift card for Texas Roadhouse, a steak restaurant. There's not one in Hillmomba. The closest is about 30 miles north. Farmer H planned to pick up The Pony, drive to lunch, do some minor business he had in that town, then return The Pony in time for Farmer H to get to his city commission meeting about our Flip House(s).

The Pony had an appointment in the afternoon, a few hours before Farmer H's meeting. Farmer H declared that they could easily eat lunch at 11:00, and be back in time. Until The Pony looked up that restaurant, and texted back that it didn't open until 3:00 p.m. I suppose that's understandable on a weekday.

Anyhoo... Farmer H hated to disappoint The Pony when it seemed that a good steak could cheer him up. He said they could go in the evening, but I didn't want them out after dark in these freezing temperatures. Sunday was also not an option, with Farmer H being at his SUS2.5 all day selling his wares. The Pony has to work the other days. So they decided to go to a LOCAL steakhouse over in Bill-Paying town, which opens at 10:30 a.m. Don't go thinking how early this is for a lunch. At school, we ate at 10:53. We're used to such a schedule.

All went well for the rescheduled lunch. The Pony almost forgot to text me pictures.

"Belated food pictures:"

"Dad's. Chicken breast with bacon, mushrooms, and green onions. He had two, but one was eaten before I remembered pictures. A paired breast thing, honey mustard dip, rolls, and we both got Caesar Salads."

Looks like The Pony also strapped on the old feedbag before remembering to take pictures! I'm glad they got their lunch together. I don't know how long Farmer H's gift card lasts. They can hopefully use it on a day when darkness and weather are not an issue.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A Curious Casualty Of The Frozen Streets

When I made it to town on Sunday, in the brief window between below-freezing temps, I had planned to mail a bill at the main post office. I know mail doesn't go out on Sundays, but the pick-up time is 11:00 a.m., so it would be there Monday, ready to process.

After my slip-sliding at Save A Lot, I decided that I'd rather just drive through and drop that bill in the big blue outside mailbox on the back parking lot of the main post office, saving my knees for my walk through Country Mart. I was approaching the street where I needed to turn, and saw that it was mostly ice-covered. Not a big deal, because it's a level street with rarely any traffic, other than the postal vehicles at their end of shift. Very few work on Sundays, delivering packages only.

I put on T-Hoe's right-turn signal, and looked up the street to see if any traffic was coming. Nope. But what I saw chilled me to the bone! 


Well! I did NOT make that turn. I drove down the street, made a turn, and parked in the customer parking lot that is under the roof of the post office. In the handicap space, of course, that has a little ramp. I mailed my bill, noting that I couldn't wait to mention this to The Pony. Which I promptly forgot, until our Tuesday morning call.

"Hey! I went to mail my bill on Sunday, and your big blue mailbox was destroyed!"

"Oh! I meant to warn you about that. It was down when I got there on Saturday."

"I wonder if the snowplow got it, or if a car went out of control and hit it."

"OR maybe a semi truck delivering the mail to us took a bad angle on the turn."

"Maybe. That IS a narrow street."

"Yeah. So I guess you can use the mailbox over by the School-Turn Casey's. Or the one by the dead mouse smelling post office, but I know you don't like that one."

"For some reason, it seems to add about 5 days onto my mail delivery! So I only use it for things that have plenty of time. I don't guess you've heard when the main one will be fixed?"

"No. They haven't said anything. And it's still laying there."

I really hope they got the mail out of it...

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

It's Good To Get Out

I am so glad I took the opportunity to escape the Mansion on Sunday, before two more days of below-freezing daytime highs and single-digit nighttime temps re-froze all the slick precip on our gravel road. While I was out, I had the opportunity to cash in some winning scratchers.

Farmer H will pick up a few tickets for me, but I don't expect him to redeem my winners. I give him cash, with instructions to buy me the $5 crossword tickets, and the newest $3 tickets. However, while on my own, I can use my winnings to get a $10 ticket. I like to look at them, and see which one gives me the best vibe. That plan worked fine on Sunday.

Here's a $100 winner! On the newest $10 ticket. I picked it out of the machine at Country Mart. Good thing I braved the piled snow to go inside!

No need to scratch all those numbers. I hit the WIN ALL on the second space. It was the $5 minimum prize that comes on that ticket, but I'm not complaining! Twenty $5 prizes means a $100 winner for me!

A little excitement here in my confinement. Now I have to wait for the next thaw to cash it in. Meanwhile, Farmer H will supply me with tickets.

Monday, January 13, 2025

The Sad State Of Shopping In Hillmomba

The ice/sleet/snow over the past week has not only wreaked havoc with schools starting up after Christmas break, but also with people trying to lay in supplies for sustenance. Snow removal services can only do so much. Some do much more than others.

On my second day out during these majorly inconvenient shenanigans from Mother Nature, I encountered difficulties. I went over to Sis-Town to mail my health insurance premium at the main post office. My knees were complaining, so I had decided to use the drive-thru mailbox on the back parking lot. Au contraire! Something had destroyed that mailbox! It was on its back or side. I couldn't tell which, because it was so mutilated. I'm guessing a snowplow got too close. Or maybe a car went out of control on the ice and hit it. Anyhoo... I had to drive around front and go inside. At least the parking lot is covered, so no snow or ice to tread upon.

The Save A Lot in Sis-Town was not handicap friendly! I risked life and limb to get inside. No cart was in the return, and the pavement was NOT clear!

That's a picture after I returned to T-Hoe, and put my groceries in the hatch. A truck was parked in that space by the building when I arrived. I had to walk out and around all that slushy stuff to get to a cart and go inside.

Another lady parked down to my right was trying to take her cart back when I was. They got stuck! I said, "That's good enough!" And she said, "Somebody else will want a cart, and take them in." So true. I wish I had one when I arrived.

I would have skipped this stop, but I really needed some salsa. I LOVE salsa. But only the medium kind that's the Save A Lot brand. I bought 8 jars! Along with some frozen curly fries for Farmer H, and two half-loaves of bread, and romaine lettuce.

From there I went to the post office, and then Country Mart. Another adventure in accessibility.

Again, this is after I returned to T-Hoe with my groceries. When I arrived, there was a car parked in the closest handicap space. And a cart jammed into the snowbank. I took the cart, and had to wheel it along the edge of the driving lane past the stop sign.

That's where I parked my cart when I was ready to leave. I didn't have the knee strength to wheel it all the way back inside. And there was no getting it through that snowbank. Besides, some other handicapped person might have been glad to have a cart available when they parked.

As I said, I know these businesses hire private contractors to clear their parking lots. I think they should stipulate that walkways should be cleared as well. Especially areas where the handicap people must park and walk! Back in the olden days, a proprietor would hand a stockboy a shovel, and perhaps some salt pellets to spread around. I guess such a chore is beneath the teen workforce of today.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Biding Time Until The Melt

Nothing happening here at the Mansion. Just the day-to-day cooking and dishwashing. Farmer H has been getting out into civilization, but I've only made one trip. A little bit of snow melted down today, from what I can tell on the porch rail. I'm guessing that the streets might fare better, with plowing and the chemicals reacting to the sun and the mid-30s temperatures. Our gravel road is probably in sad SLICK shape.

Anyhoo, I don't have a story. Not unless Farmer H does something outrageous, which is highly possible, so you can keep your hopes up. Today he's been the good guy, veering from regular routine to take The Pony to work and then go by to haul him home after work. That cut 2 hours off Farmer H's start time at his SUS2.5 (Storage Unit Store 2.5), and had him leaving an hour early. I doubt there was much business to be had there anyway. Unless Farmer H's shoppers are as nutty as he is about getting out in the snow.

Right now I've been getting Farmer H's business sales tax form filled out. He has an appointment Tuesday with his tax man. I'm also getting our car insurance bill ready for Farmer H to take by the insurance office on Monday. I normally mail it, but we have not received any mail since last Friday, and The Pony says their mail trucks haven't been getting through. I figure it's better not to take a chance, and just pay it at the local office. You know, since Farmer H is itching to get out in this mess anyway.

I'll be glad when the roads are clear, and I can resume my regular activities!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Farmer H's World

Despite falling on the ice when trying to get to his SUS2.5 (Storage Unit Store 2.5) a few days previous, Farmer H returned on Thursday. He said it was worth it, because he made a $900 sale. Except that he had to hold the item like lay-a-way, with a portion paid down on it. So what did he gain, really? A partial payment that he will give back within a reasonable time if the buyer can't scrape together the rest. I think he could just have easily done that business over the phone, agreeing to hold that item until a certain date, and get the down payment on a more weather-friendly day. It's a repeat customer. Not like people were just browsing Farmer H's shop during the gloomy icy day.

Anyhoo... Farmer H has gone BACK to his SUS2.5 today (Friday) on his usual schedule. In spite of snow falling since 3:00 a.m., due to stop around noon. Again, I don't think there will be shoppers. Or even other sellers down at the storage units in such weather. I've had a couple texts from Farmer H, which signifies his boredom. I'm sure he will be moving things around and improving the ambiance of his shop. He does have heat, and a microwave to warm the mini chicken sandwiches he took with a small bag of chips. Plus he has all those treats he was going to hand out to customers, heh, heh!

That's how things go in Farmer H's world. His logic is not the same as other, shall we say, LOGICAL people! Another example would be his dining habits. 

A couple nights ago, I had his supper all ready for him to scoop up. Had the bowl set out for his beans, with the serving spoon he likes to eat with. Also a knife to spread the Kerrygold on his corn muffins. Farmer H picked up a paper plate to set his bowl and muffins on. A small plate.

"Are you sure you want that plate?"

"It's all I need."

"Do you think it will hold that bowl AND your muffins?"

"Oh. Maybe not." He got a bigger plate.

Once Farmer H had left the kitchen to take his food to the living room to the marred coffee table in front of the long couch, I noticed that the paper towel I had laid out for him was still on the cutting block.

"I see you didn't pick up your paper towel."

"I DON'T NEED NO PAPER TOWEL! I have one over by my TV chair, and I'll use it if I need to before I touch the remote!"

He was downright hateful about it! Because I was being unreasonable, I suppose. Because why would anybody need a napkin or paper towel while eating corn muffins slathered with butter? 

Farmer H's world. Sometimes it's not big enough for the both of us.