Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A Blog Post About Blog Posts

I'm sure this won't reap the success of a coffee table book about coffee tables, but today's post is about today's post.

Last night, my internet conked out. It was 11:45 p.m. I tried everything in my bag of restorative tricks. I did the troubleshooting on New Delly. It pointed me to the router. I unplugged and replugged. No success. I did a restart of New Delly. Nope. I unplugged the router again, and proceeded to Farmer H's basement workshop to the location of the DISH thingy that brings in our internet from its special satellite. Unplugged that. Replugged and retraced my steps to the router. That usually works. Not this time. I gave up around 12:30.

I normally write my blog posts around 12:30 or 1:00 a.m. Couldn't do it. I could have typed them up in Word on New Delly. Then copied and pasted this morning. But that leaves wonky spacing that needs correcting through the Tx thingy on Blogger. Also, the Word file would have been on New Delly. I'm in no mood to creak my knees down to my dark basement lair in the morning, in case my internet was back. I spend morning computer time on HIPPIE, my laptop, at the living room window.

Thank the Gummi Mary, the internet was back this morning. And by MORNING, I mean 11:00 a.m. I set about typing up my blog posts around 11:30, after washing dishes. I was hoping to get them done by 1:00, the usual time I set my posts to come out. Well, guess who emerged from his cell for the first time in about 4 weeks...


Oh, how I've wished to converse with him in the mornings. But he remains sealed in his cell, eschewing motherly love (and possible advice). Yet this morning, he was eager to discuss our escapade of yesterday. I chatted a bit, as my HIPPIE's screen went dark. Then explained my predicament to him. At which point The Pony began a discourse on how I could have typed up my posts in Blogger's COMPOSE mode. No. Not if I don't have internet to access it. Or in Word. No. It would be downstairs on New Delly's Word, not upstairs on HIPPIE's Word. The Pony was not pickin' up what I was layin' down. He left me in a fit of disgruntledness. BOTH of us.

I went back to typing, after having to log in again. What in the absolute NOT-HEAVEN! Here came Farmer H, blathering about going to town to get himself some lunch. On and on about his lawnmower, and his weed-sprayer. He's NEVER in the Mansion at this time of day. And me with two blog posts to compose.

It's now 12:41. I got the post done already for my not-so-secret blog, and set it for the regular posting time. This one is going out after proofreading.

It's hard out here for a MIMP (Mom In-the-midst-of Making Posts).


Sioux Roslawski said...

So,The Pony would be a PIMP--Pony In-the-midst of Making Posts?

Your other blog dipped into the Paul Newman movie realm--one of my favorite movies. ("I'm shakin' the bush, boss," is one of my favorite parts.) I have a friend who's 41 and she's never seen ol' Luke. The horror!

If you didn't post every day, some of us would miss the highlight of our life on a daily basis. Make sure technical difficulties don't prevent you from posting.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. And I guarantee you, I make sure it is harder out here for a PI---MP!

I've only see it ONCE!

If neither of my blogs are updated, it's more likely that I have an internet issue than a case of Farmer H finally killing me...

River said...

I've seen Cool Hand Luke a few times, but not recently and I don't even have it on any of my usb's! I'll have to rectify that.
I'm sorry your New Delly is acting up, or more correctly, your internet connections. I have no solutions to offer.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I imagine my internet is being withheld for my conspiracy theory research. Of course, that's just a conspiracy!

It was working fine the next morning, even though I did nothing but wake up and turn on HIPPIE. The one thing I know is that it wasn't the weather. It was clear that night. No clouds or storms.