Monday, August 3, 2020

Mrs. HM Would Prefer To Be Un-Out-Quipped

One of Farmer H's relatives passed away a couple weeks ago. His cousin. It was not a surprise. She'd been sick for a while. She used to work at Newmentia, and her husband was on the school board.  So I knew who they were. Farmer H went to the funeral home, but I did not.

Farmer H started talking about it last night. He also mentioned something he found out.

"I guess everybody in the family don't agree. Cuz and her husband usually vote one way. But her brother and his wife vote the opposite.

"Well, Cuz doesn't HAVE a vote anymore..."

"She might!"

Heh, heh! Farmer H is quicker than he used to be! And more woke.


Sioux Roslawski said...

More woke? Is that phrase even allowed to be uttered by country folks?

Seriously... Can't we city folks keep anything for ourselves?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Stop hoarding! Hillmomba has had the protesters! We are in the loop. Although our protesters were actually peaceful. Baby steps, Madam. Baby steps.

We also require a driver's license or state ID to vote. So I'm pretty sure nobody is going to submit a vote from Farmer H's cousin. I was shocked at his wokeness, but even MORE shocked by his attempt (and success) at HUMOR! He was born without a funny bone, you know.

Sioux Roslawski said...

And if you are a frequent customer of the Funny Bone Comedy Club in St. Louis, you could be called a Funny Bone(er).

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! Farmer H actually TOOK ME TO THE FUNNY BONE, on a double date with our friends from our townhouse complex! Let's just say that three of us thought it was hilarious. No Funny Bone(er) for Farmer H.

Sioux Roslawski said...

In regards to your other blog:

Ooooh. So, the "hose" was really a hose? I thought it was a euphemism.

River said...

He certainly was quick with a comeback. you never know about those dead people though, there have been cases in the past where people roam cemeteries and gather names to put on voting cards. And petitions. And to be used for false new ID's.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, a real hose. I don't think his would have reached the water. The creek is down right now.

Yes, quite a few dead people get ballots mailed to them in some states. Dogs, too! Though around Hillmomba, most dogs just get credit card applications.

You know I'm an old-fashioned gal. I'd bet all my sock-money buried in the back yard that our election results would be more accurate if we could only vote in person (one person, one vote) AND dip our thumb in purple paint like I saw on the news one time about another country. IF you can believe what you see on the news. I hope they didn't have an epidemic of people getting their thumbs cut off on the way to the polls, by roving bands of vote-stealers!