Sunday, June 6, 2021

Wade With Me Once Again, Through The Brackish Waters Of Stagnant Customer Service

Put on your hip boots! CROCs won't do! There's something nasty here that might cause festering if you're thin-skinned.

Saturday, I stopped by the Liquor Store for some scratchers. I won my money back, so I have no issues with their ticket luck. I DO have issues with their issues!

You might recall how I've mentioned this place before. How they seem to be a family-run business, and service is spotty. Some weeks you'll get the gal who is polite, efficient, and calls you 'hon.' Or the young guy who is all business. Then there are the other two, young gals who seem disinterested, and grudgingly complete your transaction.

Saturday, I got a young blonde gal I've only seen there twice. The parking lot was near empty, with two other vehicles parked, and three waiting at the drive-thru window. They always have two workers. Inside, a woman was standing at the counter, completing her transaction. A dude and chick, obviously together, were next. They shifted foot to foot, and browsed in the glass display cases that provide a barrier between clerk and customer.

Blondie was on the phone. It looked like a cordless phone for the business, not a cell phone. I assumed she was talking to a boss or owner. The whole time I was in there, she talked. She completed purchases without interacting, if that's possible. She was so intent on her conversation. I spent a little longer in line than I would have liked. There's no good place to lean on anything there, what with shelves full of glass bottles. If she'd just put down that dang phone until serving three customers, she could have cleared out the place sooner. Here's the gist of what she was saying. I think she had more than ONE issue.

"So I just had this thing with a guy at the window. I don't know what his problem was. He said, 'That's the kind of thing that causes drama.' I was sick of it. I said, 'I don't NEED this job. At least I know have friends, and everybody doesn't hate me.' What? Well, she said she was leaving, and there was a whole black line of feet across the lobby, from people walking in, and she didn't even clean it!"

Yeah. Sounds pretty dramatic to me. Good thing she doesn't NEED that job. It's probably safe, anyway. They don't seem to put a lot of stock in customer service there. I still suspect it might be a front for something else...


River said...

Being on the phone while serving customers would get that girl fired over here. Or at the very least, spoken to by management. Even in family run businesses it's a no no.

Sioux Roslawski said...

So often, good customer service these days is a dying breed. If I get a "thank you" from a cashier (thank you for your business) I'm pleasantly surprised.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I wish it was that way HERE! Maybe your stores are actual STORES, and not a front for something else...

If she tried that at the Gas Station Chicken Store, she would find herself out front in the STOCKS! Like back in the Pilgrim days. STOCKS! Out by the stoplight, for four directions of traffic to see! (In the place where the giant pink plywood birthday cake was situated for the sesquicentennial, Sioux!)

OH MY GOSH! I was just mentioning the THANK YOU thing to Farmer H this very afternoon! And if you say "Thank You" to THEM, you don't get a "You're Welcome." You get a "NO PROBLEM." Yeah. So great to know that my patronage was not a PROBLEM for them!

Sioux Roslawski said...

Sometimes I snarkily say, "You're welcome" when I don't get a "thank you." Sometimes they get it, and say a too-late thank you. Other times, they're clueless.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yesterday, I said, "Thanks," and he looked at me like I had two heads. I wish I'd added, "FOR NOTHING!"