Saturday, January 25, 2025

No Shaming, Just The Facts

We have always called The Pony a "Butterton," after a family in a butter commercials long ago. The Pony loves butter. In fact, took a butter-and-jelly sandwich to school for lunch several years. That was after his 3rd grade teacher took it upon herself to describe in detail to the class the ingredients in hot dogs, The Pony's former favorite lunch. Anyhoo... The Pony survived, and lives to enjoy butter to this day.

Farmer H would be a "Sugarton." If there's anything Farmer H likes better than meat, it's sugar! He knows he's not supposed to have it. That probably makes it more desirable. The forbidden non-fruit!

Thursday evening, I saw that Farmer H had set out his bag of taffy (to take to his customers, you know, at his SUS2.5) from the concealing plastic bag. The colorful little wax-paper-wrapped blobs were in full view on the kitchen chair by the door. I thought maybe he had been eating some, but then again, maybe he just wanted to notice them on his way out the next morning.

Anyhoo... before taking supper to his recliner, Farmer H walked over to the kitchen table.

"Gotta get my dessert."

"Oh. Your little cherry pie?" [Let the record show that I had bought Farmer H several little individual cherry pies on sale at Save A Lot. He loves cherry pie, and he didn't get it at Christmas because we had other desserts.]

"No. I got me some cookies."

Farmer H reached over to an area behind HIPPIE'S screen, and picked up a pack of cookies, taking out four.

"Where did THOSE come from?"

"I bought 'em when I was in 10Box to get your lottery tickets on Monday."

"And you've been hiding them?"

"No. They was in my truck. I just brought 'em in."

So you see, I'm NOT trying to kill Farmer H when I bring him a treat. I do it hoping he will show some moderation. This isn't the first time such a tactic hasn't worked. Whether I buy him individual treats or not, he's going to get himself sugary treats that I may or may not find out about.

Farmer H is a grown man. He wants to live his life pleasurably, which seems to include vast amounts of forbidden sugar. I suppose he figures a longer life eating kale and fish is just not worth the extra time.


River said...

I agree wholeheartedly that kale is not worth living a few years extra. I hate that stuff. It's worse than spinach which tastes like dirt to me. and I don't like broccoli anymore either, it's bitter these days because they grow it hydroponically, instead of in good old fashioned soil. i do like other greens though, so I'm okay with skipping the stuff I don't like.
I like butter too and will always choose it over margarine. Sugar is high on my list too, though I have managed to cut the amount I add to things by a fair bit and I only eat snacks one day a week. Saturdays are my "pig out" days. I've lost 17 pounds.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Congrats on those 17 lbs! I am continuing with my wise choices, and the scale shows my efforts. No snacks for me, besides one treat after supper, which is currently ONE chocolate covered cherry from my best old ex-teaching buddy Mabel.

I like broccoli, whether raw with dip, or cooked with cheese, or in Chinese food. Maybe ours is grown the regular way.