Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A New Addiction For Mrs. HM

Genius is an enabler. He had the audacity to ask me, by text, on Sunday if I play Wordle. No. I do not. An answer Genius did not like to hear. Or read.

"It's so easy!"

"I've heard of it. People are mad that the NY Times took over. They say the words are impossible now. And their winning streaks were erased."

"The words are NOT harder! You should try it."

"I'll have The Pony put it on my phone. Or can I play it on my computer?"

"Do it on your phone. You can send results on your phone. It's not even an app. Just a link: 
"Okay. I'll get to it later."
Genius contacted me twice, asking if I played yet. I had not. When I finally did, I sent him my experience. Got it in six tries. The last chance! The word was SWILL. A Genius kind of word. Genius did NOT get it! Heh, heh!
Anyhoo... he started goading me to share my results with him. It shows the number of tries, but no letters. Since it has a handy SHARE button, I did. Now Genius sends me his results every morning when I'm trying to sleep. I send mine later in the day.
The first day, I mistakenly sent a text to The Pony that was meant for Genius. It included my tries until I got the word, but not the word itself. Later in the evening, I encouraged Pony to play. He got in on the second try!
"Dang it! You're not supposed to beat me!"
"Um. Did you forget that message you meant to send to Genius? I had all your tries to work with."
"Oh. That's cheating!"
"I know. But I shared it with Genius anyway. And that's what HE said: 'You cheated!'"
Now we are all playing and sending our results. Genius and I got today's word on the fourth try. I was quite proud, until Genius said, "Four is like par in golf. The expected number of turns." So much for ME being a genius...
Anyhoo... The Pony got today's word in THREE tries. With no cheating. We can't let this happen. Genius and I need to step up our game. There's only one word every 24 hours. Good thing. Today's took me about 20 minutes. The word was OTHER. Not really all that hard...


River said...

I've heard of Wordle and I am NOT trying it. I'm just not that smart. Plus I already spend a couple of hours doing the newspaper puzzles daily then most of the afternoon reading and commenting on blogs before I switch to real estate sites looking for my "dream home", the one I will never be able to afford without a lottery win. A BIG win. Then in between all that I need to housework type chores. Lola won't clean her own litter tray!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I can understand your tight schedule! I now make time for my scratcher crosswords, but the housework chores I'm shirking. I've been sick, you know!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I haven't played it yet. The weather keeps me outdoors!! Maybe in winter snow ....

Hillbilly Mom said...

We've had plenty of snow days here!