Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Here We Go Again

Farmer H is loading me up for another trip to Convenient Care this afternoon (Tuesday). I actually feel pretty good, but after a conversation with the hospital nurse who called to check on me Monday, and an overnight development, I feel better getting checked out.

I still have those bright pink spots from the Lovenox. One is wider than a tennis ball now. It's funny how they appeared one by one, about a day apart, until I had the full complement of six, from my six shots. And how they doubled in size almost every day. They are not perfectly round, but oval, due to gravity's pull, I suppose.

Anyhoo, the nurse told me that it's probably a reaction to the preservative in the shot. That's what most people react to. And that in the future, if I have to get Lovenox, to tell them I need the BRAND NAME, and not a generic, which seem to have a different preservative. Funny how I also had a reaction at the dentist one time, with the novocaine stuff, and now I'm supposed to have mepivicaine instead. Plus I had a dizzy reaction to lidocaine when my old doc used it in the office to cut off a skin lesion on my shoulder.

Anyhoo, the nurse seemed a bit concerned, and said to watch those spots for heat or hardening, because that could mean an infection. She said that the 1% hydrocortisone cream I got over the counter should have had more of an effect in making them go away. I've had them at least 8 days now.
The nurse said my thought that the steroid kept this reaction at bay MIGHT have been part of it. Since the bright pink spots started about two days after ending the steroid. She also said that it takes a while for the Lovenox to work its way through the fat, and up to the surface where it would cause this reaction with the skin.

Here's what happened overnight. I've also had an itchy spot on my spine, from the rumpus upward. I can't see it, but it feels like small bumps, which are rough. I remember when the boys were young, and had strep, and it was a red tiny-bump sandpapery rash. So I don't want to think I have strep! During the night, my upper chest also started itching, and I saw little red bumps in the mirror. Plus, my face looks like a toddler put on makeup, because my cheeks are very red. I don't have any fever. Not even up to 98.6.
I'd like to think it's all just related to the Lovenox, and will go away since I haven't had any Lovenox since Feb 3. But I also hope I don't have another infection poised to jump into my lungs.

I might be a hypochondriac, but I think it's worth getting checked out.


River said...

Definitely worth getting checked out. Maybe you should have some allergy testing too, so you know exactly what you are allergic to.
I hope it all settles down and goes away soon.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm glad I went. Story coming up next.

I've been tested for lidocaine and the dental stuff. I think they don't use novocaine much any more. I think it's bupivacaine, which is still no good for me. The conclusion was that my sensitivity is to the preservative itself, and not the actual drug. It makes my blood pressure shoot up, and I get light-headed.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

You are not a hypochondriac! You would have been stalking that clinic on day one of the rash!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thanks for the VALidation! I tend to wait too long to go in, but lately I'm saying, "What the Not-Heaven! There might be something really wrong with me!"