Saturday, February 5, 2022

Two Is Too Many

With my energy flagging of late, I am going to step back a bit here, to tell my tale on my not-so-secret blog

This weather is not helping. The Pony has missed a few days of work. Seems the mail trucks couldn't make it through the snow. All CCAs were told not to come to work on Friday. Pony also missed Thursday, to bring me home from the hospital, but no mail arrived that day either. So the time off may not count against him.

We won't even go into Farmer H's transportation problems this week.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I would appear to have exited the state of Missouri just in time!

River said...

"The weather is not helping." I am surprised anyone in the northern hemisphere gets anything at all done between the first snowfall of the year and the last. All that digging and shovelling just to get out of the driveway! Then the scary, icy road trip out and back again.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. A well-timed getaway.

You don't know the 2/3 of it yet! Probably coming on the other blog eventually.