Sunday, February 20, 2022

Dogs Gonna Dog

I fear that Juno has grown ill-mannered during the time I was out of commission in the hospital, and sealed up in the Mansion for two weeks after. She was never exactly Miss Congeniality, but she minded her Ps and Qs around ME.

Friday I made my first solo trip to town. I felt pretty good, except for some dizziness on the way home. I made only one stop, Country Mart. I bought some deli shrimp dinners for Farmer H and The Pony. A bottle of wine for The Pony's next day off. Bananas. Chef salads. Ritz Crackers that were NOT expired. Five cans of sardines in mustard sauce. Hawaiian Rolls. A bottle of squeeze Kraft Mayo. And four ribeye steaks. 
The Pony kept talking about seeing the sign out front saying they were $8.88 a pound, bone-in. I don't know if that's a bargain, but the ones I bought were boneless, and I got four for $21. Which is just over $5 per ribeye, which is good enough for me! I don't eat them anyway. Farmer H will grill them, and he and The Pony will get two suppers out of them.

Anyhoo... with several bags to carry in, I had to make a decision. I could leave the heavier ones on the metal chair on the side porch, and carry in the shrimp dinners and salads and Hawaiian Rolls on my arm with my purse as I went up the steps to unlock the door.

It wasn't until I went through the people door of the garage that I realized I'd be setting down the bag with the ribeye steaks. Oh, well. The dogs don't bother the groceries. I'd just be a minute grabbing the last bags and my purse out of T-Hoe.


The minute I set down those bags, she went straight to the chair, and stuck her nose on the ribeye bag!


Juno had the good sense to duck her head and walk around to the steps, and give me the sorry look. But I'll be darned if she didn't walk right back to the chair when I turned around!


Then she came over by the people door, looking sorry-er. I rushed (at the speed of a geriatric snail) to T-Hoe's rear and grabbed the other three bags. Then my purse from the passenger seat. All the while yelling at the dogs. Gentleman Jack had not gone near the grocery chair. 

I set down the first load in the kitchen, and came back for my ribeyes and heavy food. Copper Jack was standing at the bottom of the porch steps. He never bothers the groceries. He knew I was extra not-happy, and slunk away as I grabbed them.

Once I had the groceries in the Mansion, I tossed the dogs their treat. A slice of week-old pizza left from The Pony. And a slice of rye bread bought by Farmer H when I first came home from the hospital.

Juno knows better than to mess with my ribeyes! But she is, after all, a dog. 
Dogs gonna dog.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Poor Juno. She was just doing what came instinctually. Actually, she probably did it to remind you of what a good dog she usually is. She was "pretending" to try to snatch a steak, so you'd remember what a perfect dog she is.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Juno at least had the good sense to duck her head in submission, and LOOK sorry while I was yelling. If she had snatched the steak, I would never have caught her! She probably would have taken it straight to her house, though. She's not a good criminal.

River said...

Poor Juno, thinking that maybe that delicious smell was a treat for her.
Why don't you eat ribeye steak? Do you eat any steak? I haven't had any for a couple of months now, going through a fish and chicken phase instead.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I LOVE ribeye steak, but they seem to come 2 or 4 in a package. So I let Farmer H and The Pony have them. I had a big salad, and Farmer H also grilled hot dogs. They were half the length of the bun, so it's not like I got filled up as if I had a meaty ribeye. Farmer H also got half of my salad, along with his steak and a baked potato and two pieces of garlic toast.

I went for a long time not wanting anything, due to my fever. Only a chicken patty or chicken nuggets appealed to me, and Hawaiian rolls. Now that I'm well, the SARDINES are my favorite!

Yes, Juno thinks EVERYTHING is for her! No wonder she turned up her nose at the peanut butter cracker I tossed her today when I got back from town. All the peanut butter had melted out of it, so it was pretty much just a wheat cracker. That four-pack had been left in T-Hoe since before my sickness. We DID have some warm days in there. I'm shocked that Farmer H didn't eat them.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

If Juno were here, she would have collaborated with the others and together they would have stolen the ribeyes and divided them among the pack. Like Toni Louise, she would have given herself the bigger portion, since the whole event was her idea. It occurs to me that I might be spending too much time with canines ....

Hillbilly Mom said...

Juno is the leader of the pack, but you overestimate her generosity! I'm not sure she would share, although she would gladly accept help in the theft. Toni Louise must actually CARE ABOUT HELPING other dogs. But Juno is too my like The Pony in her ambivalence to giving assistance.