Friday, May 20, 2022

A Doghouse Condominium For Farmer H

I was about to tell you how Farmer H has been skating on thin ice, all the way to the doghouse. The initial incident happened on Wednesday, but he has been accruing my ire cumulatively over the past three days. Farmer H is not just headed for double-doghousing, but for a doghouse condominium.
Sadly for you, but gladly for him, I will most likely forget his transgressions before they are revealed here. I don't feel like starting now. We have been without electricity for 21 hours, and this is not a top priority. I WILL promise at least one tale of Farmer H hard-headedness tomorrow. The rest might end up on my not-so-secret blog in a few days.
For now, I'm enjoying my air conditioning, light, internet, flushing toilets, and a hot supper. Seems like only yesterday that was too much to ask...


River said...

No electricity for 21 hours?? Were you somehow back in the 1600s?

River said...

Where are my comments disappearing to? Is there a comment blackhole they are all falling into?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Felt like it! Farmer H got out one of his oil lamps, but it fizzled out within five minutes. I guess the oil was from the 1600s! I'm lucky he didn't present me with a butter churn to keep me busy. But that would have required a cow, and he doesn't have one of them stashed away.

Hillbilly Mom said...

River 2,
Sometimes I find your comments in SPAM, but this time I was just behind in checking this blog, after the power outage and trying to get caught up.