Friday, April 28, 2023

One Of Those Days

Rain was forecast for my errand day. Farmer H and I watched the morning weather, and it looked like we would get little to nothing. Maybe a half inch over two days. I saw nary a drop all morning. Nothing. Until 1:30, when I was getting ready to shower. Even then, it wasn't much. Just visible drops in Poolio out the kitchen window.

By the time I got over to Sis-Town and the Casey's for T-Hoe's gas, it was a steady rain. Though not a downpour. I got a little damp walking in to pay. The little guy who rang up my scratchers had trouble with the scanner. It did every ticket twice. So he had to void one. He didn't mess up, and was polite. So there's that. But they were out of my favorite ticket, the $5 crossword.

On my way out the door, a guy and his not-yet-school-age daughter were behind me. I hadn't really noticed them at the next register. Just in my peripheral vision. The little girl practically yelled, "That lady is fat!" I guess the dad felt a little bad by the third time she said it. So he said, "That's not nice." Heh, heh. At least I'm not ugly! And at least she didn't have a shrill whistle.

I made it through the post office street to mail the letters, without any vehicles taking my turn at the 5 WAY STOP. Still raining. I parked at my credit union to go in and ask about a CD that matures on Sunday. We want to put it into a new CD with a higher interest rate. I hobbled to the door, getting damper by the moment, shielding the envelope with my paperwork in my armpit.

YANK! That was my shoulder almost coming out of the socket. The door WAS LOCKED! It was not even 3:30 yet, and they're open until 4:00. Except they're not. Anymore. An orange sign on the glass door said the hours have changed. 

The lobby is only open until 11:00 a.m. now! Sweet Gummi Mary! Who is up at that Not-Heavenish hour to do their business? They DO have it open from 3:30 to 5:30 on Fridays. And the drive-thru is open most of the day. No way can I go through that drive-thru with T-Hoe! Even my mom's car was too high for it. It's the old-fashioned kind with a metal tray that slides out. Our other financial institution over in Bill-Paying Town has one like that. It was a headache to try and reach stuff in it, so now if I go there I park and go inside. Because THEY have normal business hours...

Not really a good day for Mrs. HM. But it got a little better after I arrived home...


River said...

Probably 95% of the population is up at that not-heavenish hour, but still closing at 11.30 is ridiculous, for ANY business.
50 or 60 years from now, with her own hobbling knees, that ittle girl might regret what she said.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I wasn't serious about the hour, only poking fun because of my odd schedule. I don't hold it against the little girl. She was so young, only stating the obvious. My own kids have embarrassed me with their behavior at that age. It wasn't malicious. Unlike that little Whistler at the Gas Station Chicken Store who waited until I was right beside him, and tried to startle me!