Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Little-ing Of Jack

Now that my Sweet, Sweet Juno has gone over the rainbow bridge, to that big farm upstate... there's no need to have dog food sitting around in the hopes that she might eat it and gain back some weight. The dog-feeding can go back to its regularly scheduled routine. Dry food poured into the bowl in the morning. Then a 1/4 slice of bread as I go to town, and a small treat of leftovers when I return.

That should work. In theory. It will allow my little Jack to return to his former lithe and svelte self. 

However... Farmer H is not a good instruction-follower. I told him that Jack does not need a full bowl of food. Farmer H said that he only gives him a cup full. I said he can do with 3/4 cup. It's a metal cup like a camper might drink coffee out of, not a regular measuring cup.

Jack's metal food bowl is smaller than Juno's. Hers is a regular dog dish with a flared-out base. Jacks is smaller, with straight sides. A full cup fills Jacks bowl until it heaps over the top. A full cup is level in Juno's dish.

Anyhoo... Farmer H moved Jack's food bowl over to the side porch, next to Juno's bowl. I think this is a cruel reminder of her absence, but Jack has not complained. He sometimes shies away from that area, because he was so used to Juno bullying him out of her space.

Anyhoo... for the first few days, I saw that Jack's food bowl was empty when I left for town. The weather has been warm. No need for him to have extra fuel to stay warm. So it seems a balance had been reached with Jack's feeding.

NOW I see that Farmer H has put Jack's food in Juno's bowl! AND that bowl was half full when I left for town. I have a feeling he has been dumping in a whole cup of food again. Or more, to fill Juno's bowl. I guess I should just remove it, and leave only Jack's smaller bowl.

I will get my little Jack back to fighting trim. He does not need extra poundage, what with his long body, and penchant for jumping off the concrete carport to chase squirrels five feet below. 


River said...

Yes, remove Juno's bowl and also get a smaller metal cup for Jack's food, then Farmer H will be giving him less even if he fills the cup.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Whoa! Do you think metal cups grow on trees??? I'm pretty sure Farmer H got this one at the auction. If I told him to get a smaller cup, he'd probably come home with a BIGGER cup. He's contrary like that. Besides, I feel guilty about what happened today... You'll have to wait until tomorrow to read about that.