Such a shock that Farmer H seems to have picked up another sickness. After working outside in below-freezing temps for two days, trying to thaw out a water line at our flip house. And burning materials he cleaned out and tore off our newest flip house. I know there are not random viruses swirling around in thin air, waiting to invade his mucous membranes. But working outside in the cold gives his body other priorities, and puts resistance on the back burner.
This time, it has started with a cough. A deep rumbling cough. Farmer H said he first noticed it Friday morning at his SUS2.5. The need to cough. But not a lot was coming up with the cough. This would suggest that he started getting his ailment on Wednesday. The day he began fiddling with the frozen water line.
Anyhoo... Farmer H suggested that maybe it was just something from inhaling all that smoke during the burn at the other house. Indeed, he went straight to the shower when he came home. Washed his clothes. His coat stunk so bad that I made him get it out of the kitchen, where he hangs it on a chair overnight. He moved it to the laundry room, which took on the smoky smell quite noticeably.
I don't think the cough is solely from the smoke. Farmer H's head seemed a little stuffy as well on Monday morning.
Anyhoo... it's back to double vitamins for Farmer H (regular morning, and an extra at night). They actually say to take two a day, but we get by on one each. Or at least I do!
When I go to town for bananas later, I will also pick up some lemons and a bottle of Wild Turkey for Farmer H. To make him a hot toddy if he wants one. We already have the honey. It seems to soothe his chest, and suppress the cough. At the very least, it makes him not care about it for a little while!
Nothing so miserable as a head and chest cold. Calling it a cold for lack of a better word. On our way home from the snow in Florida, we stopped in Perry Ga. Called my sister-in-law and she was sick, too. No wonder on her part. She is not going anywhere except to her doctor. Not a general practice where one might be exposed to a bug. No, hers came from her 7-year-old grandson. You would think her daughter would be more careful about taking him to her house when he is obviously sick. She is immuno-compromised. She has so many ailments and had covid, complete with a month-long time on the ventilator. But I am pretty sure her covid came from the same source. The daughter decided it would be okay to go on a spring break in 2020 and even posted pictures on Facebook.
I hope he isn't developing something serious and is soon over it and back to normal. Can the smoky coat be washed?
This one is hitting Farmer H hard. And now I am having symptoms!!! Dang him for bringing it home and spreading it. I've had to caution him several times to GET AWAY AND STOP BREATHING ON ME! So much for that. I've been clearing my throat all day, wheezy. I figure he infected me on Sunday, by the timing.
I didn't let my boys go around my mom when they were sick. Better safe than sorry. The exception was if the nurse sent them home, and I couldn't get away. I remember that happening once with The Pony, but he "only" had pinkeye.
Story coming up. The coat CAN be washed. Farmer H was just washing the other clothes that night, and not his coat. I don't know why. Now he has "forgotten" it at his SUS2.5. It's due for a washing when he brings it home.
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