Sunday, July 15, 2018

THIS Good Deed Did Not Go Unpunished

With Farmer H away for four days, I volunteered to feed his animals. Yes. They're HIS. I think they would benefit from being given to people who are inclined to spend more time with them. But Farmer H likes his critters. In fact, he took in the goat as a favor, after I (and Mother Nature) [and perhaps a well-intentioned not-angel of not-life] succeeded in getting rid of the other 11 of them at various intervals in various manners.

Anyhoo...we normally have HOS (Farmer H's Oldest Son) feed the animals when we're gone. Since it was only those two critters, and they wouldn't require me to carry buckets of water as in the past, I volunteered. Farmer H has a big water tub for them now, and keeps a hose down in it, hooked up to the outside water spigot. All I had to do was turn it on as I walked past, and off when I went back to the Mansion. The dogs' food and water are on the back porch, right outside the laundry room door, so they were easy enough. And the cats' pan is by the garage door. It was really not a problem to dump two scoops of sweet feed for a goat and mini-pony once a day.

Or so you would think.

He's a cutie, that mini-pony.

I would show you a picture of the goat, but he's not as cute. He's bigger than the mini-pony. And I couldn't get a shot of his rectangular pupils for blog buddy Sioux. I know how she enjoys her goats. However...I WILL show you a picture of their food container.

Yes. That's a metal garbage can. It keeps the food dry and pest-free. However, Farmer H had to attach a bungee cord to each handle, to keep the food squirrel-free. They're scheming wizards, those squirrels, and can get the lid off. They used to do so regularly to the chicken feed can, so Farmer H kept a heavy metal auto tire rim on top of it. Uh huh. He's a scheming wizard at re-purposing items that other people might consider trash.

Anyhoo...on Wednesday, as I bent down to reach the dregs of the sweet feed with the scoop...I felt a twinge in my butt-back. The part of my back above the right butt cheek, but not quite over to my spine. YOWSA! That little twinge progressed throughout the day, turning into a sharp, shooting stab of agony.

I guess that part of my body is involved in just about every move I make. It hurts to breathe deeply. It hurts to cough and sneeze. It hurts to walk up steps. It especially hurts when sitting down and sliding behind T-Hoe's steering wheel. It hurts to get on and off the toilet. It hurts to sit in my OPC (Old People Chair), and arise from same, even though it has that remote lifty thing to tilt me up partway. Oh, and it hurts to lie on my left side to sleep, and to lie on my back to sleep, and to get into and out of the bed. The pain is not lessened in the least by aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen.

I told Farmer H about my debilitating injury on the phone while he was in Iowa, and he brushed me off with, "Eh. It'll be better in a couple of days." So sayeth the man who drove himself to the emergency room with a sore throat, and again with an earache.

No, I don't have any intention of going to the ER, or a doctor nurse practitioner. I'll wait it out. But that butt-back pain sure does smart. If I try to massage it, I hit a spot that sends an electric shock through my body. I guess I've irritated a nerve.

Welcome to Mrs. Hillbilly Mom's Unofficial Club of Irritated Entities, nerve.


Sioux Roslawski said...

So, you've got a pain in your a$$?

I knew that a long time ago, and I know what his name is, too.

River said...

It does sound like a pinched nerve, perhaps you slightly tore a muscle fibre and the swelling from that is pinching the nerve. Have you tried resting against a hot water bottle to relax the muscle? Which should in turn release the nerve? It may help to lay flat but bend the knees, perhaps put a pillow under them for about an hour or so a couple of times a day. I hope it feels much better real soon

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, my pain has a first name, and it's Farmer.

I think you're onto something there. I was sitting in the La-Z-Boy, and I took a good stretch. You know, how your extend your arms and legs, and contract all your muscles. Doing that gave me a sharp, shooting pain at my injury site. It took my breath away. So contracting the muscle definitely squeezed on that nerve.

I tried heat with my OPC, and the massager. It barely touched the pain, but did make a slight difference. Thank the Gummi Mary, it seems to be on the mend. It has lessened so that it no longer hurts to take a deep breath. I still have to guard myself against sneezes, and be careful getting up and down. But there's progress.

I'm so glad to have an internet diagnosis!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a doctor, but I watch them on TV. I think River's got the right idea!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Her diagnosis fit my symptoms exactly! I couldn't try that one treatment. It might have helped, if only by taking my mind off the butt-back pain, and putting it on the knee pain. I should have tried the heating pad that Farmer H used when he hurt his butt, but I forgot about it, until I was straightening up for a visit from HOS's new baby, and found it between the wall and the La-Z-Boy.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

In addition To River's advice, take two extra strength Tylenol AND 400mg of Ibuprofen at the same time. Works as good as Vicoden and won't interfere with your ability to think.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Good to know. But I have a feeling my liver and kidneys will hate me for giving them extra work processing the unaccustomed drug load!

River said...

River has her own bad back with muscle spasms and the occasional pinched nerve, rest and warmth is what helps best for her (me). Sneezing and coughing are to be avoided if possible.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Your affliction has helped my recovery. I'm pretty much back to normal today, except for bending over to pick up stuff.