Thursday, December 30, 2021

No Sign Of Spot-Changing From The Same Old Leopards

About three weeks ago, maybe four, The Pony re-submitted his forms for Continuation Of Pay. Since his Worker's Comp denial was reversed, he's entitled to that money he could have earned while off work due to his on-the-job broken ankle. The official paperwork from the Dept Of Labor had a reminder that the local office had 5 DAYS to get that info submitted, once notified by the employee. Well. Rules are made to be broken, especially by a federal agency.

The Pony has mentioned that they have a new acting postmaster. He's not sure if this one is filling in until a permanent one can be hired, or if he's there for good. This is a guy who did the training for The Pony when he first got hired back in April. He seems to be a nice guy as bosses go, out among the workers, with a knowledge of what is getting done. He told The Pony he would remind the manager to check on the COP, and also on the uniform order that The Pony had turned in. To get his uniform allowance, the office has to remit a payment voucher.

Anyhoo... nothing has been done. The Pony (and everyone at the post office) has been a little busy this month. Of course The Pony trusted that his pay and uniforms would be done, and didn't want to bother anyone. But he checked last week, and the uniform order was still pending. No extra money deposited in his bank account, either.

On Monday, a NEW manager sought out The Pony, to ask about the uniforms. The Pony says his office is supposed to have four managers, and they only have three. But maybe this new guy will be working there, or perhaps is just in training, and headed for another office. Anyhoo... The Pony said that no, his uniform order was still pending. So New Manager said he'd check on it.

Tuesday, The Pony saw that the order status had changed. I don't remember what he said. It wasn't exactly shipping, but something appeared to have been set in motion.

Now Farmer H and I say that The Pony should find New Manager, and ask about his Continuation Of Pay!


River said...

Your last sentence seems like a good idea, but maybe they can only manage one thing at a time, so wait until the uniform arrives.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony didn't see New Manager on Thursday, nor the new (possibly acting) postmaster. He DID see one of the other managers, but his Continuation Of Pay was not a topic for discussion, as an INJURY was the focus. That tale is for another place, perhaps on Sunday.

The GOOD news is that The Pony says his official uniform order has shipped, all except for the shoes, which are back-ordered now because processing took so long. I am instructed to reach my hand into EmBee's gullet in search of a key to the lockboxes down on Mailbox Row. Hopefully, a thief doesn't beat me to it!