Friday, August 30, 2024

I Am Intrigued By This New Venture

As I mentioned yesterday, there's been a new development in the Dog Track supposedly being built by our across-the-road Neighbors.

When I came home, I saw a new addition to the Dog Track field. It was a Port-A-Potty! Well, crap! That means they are serious about this venture. Port-A-Potties ain't free! I think you pay by the month. I asked Farmer H about it.

"So I guess Neighbors are really going ahead with that Dog Track. They've got a Port-A-Potty there now!"

"Oh? I didn't see one when I came in. But it ain't Neighbors! It's Barn Neighbor! Next to them! And it ain't a Dog Track! It's for HORSES!"

So when I left for town the next day, I stopped for pictures. Just out of our driveway, I snapped a photo of the field.

WAY down at the end, you can see the "new" Port-A-Potty.

From this side, they DO look more like horse jumps than dog jumps. But still, they are not very high. In the background are more, I suppose. Though one looks like a really long dog house. And there's the white Bobcat they've been using to move things around.

There's the Port-A-Potty at the corner of the field.

I wonder how people will feel about taking a potty so close to the road? What if somebody is reckless, and veers off and runs into it? Then there's the huge cloud of dust that blooms up when any vehicle drives down the gravel road.

That's the Barn Neighbor's other field, then the house, where a new porch was recently added. We like this neighbor. They had two boys the same ages as Genius and The Pony, who were in a bowling league with them. The wife died several years ago. They used to have a couple of horses and a pony, but none now. I suppose anybody who brings a horse out for jumping will park in that other field.

Seems like a lot of trouble to go to, just for recreation. And I can't see it being a profitable business. We'll see what develops.


River said...

Now you've got me more curious than I was last time, so I hope we find out soon.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yesterday, they had put up some metal sticks in those little white cones that dotted the field, and strung some thin white rope through them. Not really a chute leading to the jumps, and not really a separate "corral" waiting area. I can't explain it. Not a maze. Just some kind of area divided by ropes.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

The plot thickens ..... I don't think I would want to be sitting on my porch and looking at an out house!

Hillbilly Mom said...

That other field is actually the same size as the jumps field, so the Port-A-Potty looks deceptively close from the angle of my picture. Still, I am puzzled by this venture.